Vine38: SaiLor GAURDIANs in BOm

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When I saw this parody , it so perfect for Blade of Marmora do this aNd I'm soRry for llun so muCh

Y/n: These skirts are underwear , You wear instead of your briefssss

llun: I'm the lonely blue sad one

Vrek: I am the sexy sassy red one 

Regris: pu pu pu Di pi Di dipi Di Pi 

THACE: GReen oNe doesn't know English!

UlAz: really windy  , maRs stop fartIng , I have to deal with problems 

Y/n: MarS is the biggest problem 

Ulaz: WitH my humongous eYes

Ulaz: I am all alone but not as sad, As that person reading under his umbrella , jk I'm not alone there's this random cat and these people?


llun: water nation

Vrek; fire nation

Regris: eArth natIon

THACE: Asian nation 

Y/n: help we're falling and tuxedo mask can't fly might as well dance  we're doomed anyways and expired makeup make you look like these  doods  who think it's cool to jump into the background 

Regris: In the White House , i learn tuxedo mask is actually Obama the entire time

Y/n: American GAURdain touchiNg mY  bOoBs 


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