( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) H0w many kids you will hAve with him - sOmE BoM h3adcann0ns

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) don't  askY


* probably 10 kids cuZ hE need da comfort frOm yOu and it resorts to mAkiNg Out seSSiOns

*cuZ hE mAy nEEd fliPimh hEiRs for da bOm inheritance 


*5 or 8 kIds cuz moST of th3 time he forgets to use cOndoms cuz he's a dude who doNt bUy them most of the time

*mAybe he gEts inTo dA hEAt it's causes you to get pregnant pFf


*PFFFFF it obviously 12 man cuZ he that gAlrA dude who gets inTo the heat the most

*thIs man barely uses cOndoMs cuZ he a REal man and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he may be the most being hOrny dues


*SHIT 11 kiddos cuZ he always to be gOne on missions so after mOnths he would begin it  and bAm bam yOu gOt pregnant 

*it basically stOppEd when it came at 11 and imagine the 12th one is born (A/n: I will write it like the viral one cuz the dad was so dAMN fuNny)


*9 or 11 , he always been on information missions that lasts 9 months as always and of COURSE HE DOES IT 

*Really soon you gAve birth tO a chOild for some reason and it's still ongoing man 


* 12 man ,he always to be on missions so he does it and gOt pReggO 

* when he  cOmes back from the mission and he is shook when the chOild is in da criB

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