Chapter 21

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BTW MY TWITTER IS JANODISASTER :)))) and thank you for the votes !

2 weeks later

I tried my hardest to spend a bunch of time with all the boys and still with my family but I was hard considering it was only two weeks I had. I was packing with the boys and I don't think I've seen beau so upset. I pulled him out of my room and into my hallway.

"Are you okay" I ask looking in his eyes

"Yeah I'm fine" beau said smiling. I lifted his chin just a bit and kissed his lips.

"Love you" I said

"I love you too" beau said

"Uhm but I have to talk to you" beau said as I tried to walk back in my room.

"Okay what is it" I said

"Maybe we should put our relationship on hold for a bit" beau said

"I-uh-o-okay" I managed to say without crying. I wish he didn't say that.

"I'll always love you though I'll see you again and we'll talk everyday over skype I promise" beau said pecking my lips before we went back in my room.

I finished packing with the boys and we all went to the airport my brothers are coming with me because they affored them a job too we were a band. I held beaus hand tight the whole time, I remembered all the fun times we had laughing together, making the silly videos, having movie nights, being romantic together, and just being with these boys in general, our friendship could be on the line right now. It may just seem like a year but we could be complete strangers after it, you have no idea. I started to cry when I remembered he was there for me through everything I went through. Beau heard me whimper and kissed my cheek and rubbed my hand with his thumb.

When we got there I was chocked up and I didn't even know if I was suitable to talk. Then they called our flight was leaving soon. "That's it" I said covering myouth crying and running into beaus arms

"I love you so much baby we will talk everyday I promise I won't go a minute without even thinking about you" beau said squeezing me tight

"I love you too beau please don't forget me" I said sniffling

"I won't I promise" beau said finally pecking my lips.

I have my dad a long good bye as well as the other boys and I left.

On my flight I was so nervous.

"Matt" I said nudging him

"Yeah" Matt asked

"Never mind" I said. I was gonna ask him a silly question like can we go home.

This was it my new life.


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