The Trip

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Peter was in his last period, and finishing off one last question for his quiz.

"Alright everyone! School's over bu-" Mr Samski started, but was cut off by Peter zoning out in his own world. That was until Flash interrupted him.

"Hey, Penis! Bet you're excited for tomorrow" Flash shouted, laughing like it was funny, but it just wasn't. Peter still didn't get why Flash had friends.

"Yeah, whatever," Peter mumbled, not sure of what he meant.

Until he was given it. The permission slip. The one May or Mr. Stark had to sign.

Let's just put it this way. He and his WHOLE class are going on a trip to STARK TOWER!

Well, Parker luck comes to bite you in the ass.
Peter could hear Steve saying language at the back of his head.

Peter eyed the permission slip and looked up as he was slammed into the table and spat on by the one and only Flash. Wow.

time skip cuz i'm too lazy 😉

Peter arrived at his small apartment and looked for his aunt, but she was sleeping in her room.

Peter decided to go out Spider-Manning as he liked to call it.

He slipped on his 'onesie' as Mr. Stark would say, and stopped crimes (A/N: duh 😂) he stopped a robbery, kidnapping and some idiots trying to steal a purse.

The next day was the day Peter was dreading. First, May found the permission slip and signed it. Then Flash gave him his 'daily beating' so, how can this day get any worse?You'll see.

Jessica, the intern that was showing them around, showed them the basic rooms that Peter knew all too well.

Then it was time to meet Mr. Stark and the rest of the avengers. Crap.

"So everyone, we just have to wait until Mr. Stark arrives which should be right about n-" Jessica explained before getting cut off by the one and only Tony Stark and The Avengers.

The Avengers entered along with Tony with his famous, cocky smirk.

"Hey kids, hey Jessica!" Tony smirked.

Tony wasn't a bit nervous at all. He was looking forward to it. To embarrass Peter of course!
His eyes scanned all the children for Peter and found him!

"Hey Peter, haven't seen you in awhile," Tony smirked. He watched Peter as he glared at him and mumbled "Yeah, you too,"

Tony smirked as Peters class stared at Peter in awe and confusion.

"Okay! Time for questions!" Wanda smiled.

Tony and the Avengers went through a bunch of questions like,

"How is it being an avenger?"

"What's your favourite colour?"

"How do you know Peter?"

"Last question!" Steve yelled.

Multiple children raised their hand and Tony just HAD to choose Flash.

"Can High School students become interns?" Flash asked while smirking. You could tell he was ready to beat 'Penis' up.

"No, sorry, we can't let high school students be interns here," Tony said, with fake sympathy.

Peter didn't think Flash was THIS dumb!

"Ha! Penis LIED! You dumb assha-"

"What did you just say?!" Tony yelled while coming closer. The class was wise and started to back away.

"N-n-nothing, S-Sir it's just an in-inside joke," Flash stuttered.

"Yeah, okay, Peter is that true?" Tony said eyeing Peter suspiciously.

"Y-yes" Peter said, while looking down. How dumb is Flash?

"Alright, i'm not stupid. Flash Thompson, also known as Eugene, if you come anywhere near Peter again I will make sure you never ever get a job and I sure will make your life a living hell!" Tony yelled, occasionally coming closer until he was right in his face.

"I-okay Sir," Flash whimpered.

"Alright your tour is over,"

The whole class left and The Avengers did too.

"And as for you, kid," Tony stopped Peter from walking out of the door.

"Yes, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked as he looked anywhere but Tony.

"It's Tony, Kid you make me feel old," Tony chuckles.

"Just, tell me if you feel violated or threatened or anything lik-" Tony said as he was cut off by a bone-crushing hug from his kid.

"Thanks, Tony"

"You're welcome, Kid."

Let's just say Flash never messed with them again.


sorry if this was incredibly bad, i'm just getting into writing.
thanks for reading

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