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(A/N: this is after infinity war, when peter comes back along with everyone else.)


Tony Stark has anxiety. Everyone probably knows that. But what they probably don't know is that Tony has nightmares. Really bad nightmares.

"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good."

"I do- I don't know what's happening"

Tony knew he knew what was happening.

"I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go Sir please!"

How selfish was Tony? Just standing there, doing absolutely nothing.

"I'm sorry."

Those 2 words. Tony never ever wanted to hear it again.
It was true. Tony blamed himself all the time for all those fateful deaths. He knew it was his fault. He just.. never showed his feelings

He was just used to hiding them.

That was until today.


Peter was going to stay at Stark Tower again, as it was Friday. Peter couldn't lie, he loves the tower and the way Tony treats him as if he is his son.

Well, apart from the fact that when he arrived at the tower, everyone was asleep. Peter (being confused) realised it 3:37AM. Which meant a long ass lecture from Steve and the avengers faking annoyance.

Peter went to go to Tony's room as Tony likes to cuddle with him. Peter usually went to Tony's room because Peter has nightmares regularly and it would be easier to comfort him from there.

Peter walked through the long corridor, until he found his dads room. Or Tony as he corrected himself. When he entered he saw something different. Shocking. Tony Stark shivering, crying and jumping in his sleep.

"He must be having nightmares." Peter thought.

Peter crawled into Tony's large bed and lay beside him.

"Tony! Tony!" Peter whisper/shouted.

Suddenly Tony jumped up from his sleep and looked around him for a moment. Where was Peter? Is Peter gone? What happened? Tony started freaking out and looking around him until Peter appeared out of nowhere.

"Ton—Dad!" Peter shouted.

Tony looked to his side, just to see Peter, his kid.

"Peter!" Tony shouted, while desperately clinging onto Peter. Who would've thought Tony would be worried about a fifteen year old kid that was his intern?

"Dad are you okay?" Peter asked, in confusion as he noticed Tony repeatedly tapping his fingers on Peters back.

"Yes, Son, i'm good," Tony said, smiling.

"Dad, you know that i'm always going to be here for you. I love you and I hope you know that." Peter told the billionaire.

"Yes, and I want you to know i'm here for you as well." Tony smiled.  Oh how much he loved Peter.

"I love you, Pete."

"I love you too, Dad."

[] thanks guys for reading, i really appreciate the nice comments from yesterday's one-shot. i really appreciate it.



please tell me what you think in the comments ✨⭐️

srry this is so bad. i really don't like this one-shot.


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