"Call me Dad."

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sorry this is short; it's a filler ❤️


Peter was on Tony's laptop, working on one of his assessments for school. He was getting tired so before he could fall asleep downstairs he went upstairs. As he was walking though, he dropped the Macbook Pro.

"Aw, shit." Peter sighed as he quickly picked it up but being extra careful, he saw the cracks on the screen and some letters falling off.

Peter looked at the cracks and started to freak out.
What would Tony say about this?
Would he ground Peter for the rest of his life?

Who knows. Peter just had to find a way to tell Tony without humiliating himself. Suddenly Peter had an idea. He could ask Friday when Tony was coming home so he could hide the laptop.

But the thing was, Tony was always on that specific one. Which sucks, now it's worthless.

Peter tried to turn it on, but it was useless.
He knew it wouldn't be able to get fixed (he is a genius after all) and he thought he was screwed.

"Hey, Fri?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Mr. Parker?" Friday replied in a soft tone. It was almost like Friday was a real person.

"When is Mr. Stark coming home?" Peter questioned while fiddling with his fingers. He was so worried.

"Approximately 10 minutes, Mr. Parker." Friday responded.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Peter yelled.

Peter did all he could to fix it. It's just Parker Luck that has to ruin everything.

"Mr. Parker, I believe you informed me to alert you when Mr. Stark came back. He is back now." Friday explained.

"Wow, took you long enough to say it, like." Peter said.

Suddenly, a certain someone named Tony Stark walked in and Peter covered the laptop by leaning his back against the table the device was sat on.

"Hey, Kid!"

"Oh um- uh hi Mr. Stark!" Peter quickly said.

"Yeah, uh, hi, Kid. Um so you're nervous, right?" Tony said, eyeing him.

"H-how'd you know? I mean uh- no i'm not!" Peter lied.

"Turn around, Pete." Tony said.




"Because now, move it!" Tony said in a stern voice.

Because of that, Peter immediately moved over.

"Yeah, i'm sorry Mr. S- Tony! I really didn't mean it! First it was there and then it was here i just i d-" Peter cried.

Tony's eyes softened. He honestly felt bad for the kid

"Kid, you know i'm a billionaire, right?"

"Y-yeah," Peter sobbed.

"I can buy a new one, you're alright,"

"Thanks, Tony." Peter smiled.

"Please, call me dad." Tony smirked.

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