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Trees. They were surrounding her completely, covering her with their darkness like a blanket. She should have felt it, fear. But it wasn't there. All she felt was anxiety. The kind that keeps you awaiting for something to happen like in a movie, foreshadowing itself. She felt her whole body buzzing and waiting for something, anything to happen as she continued to walk through the dense and cold woods.

No light peeked through the trees like she thought would, no moon or even sun present. She didn't know when or where she was but she had this nagging feeling in her stomach that didn't want to go away. She felt a familiarity to the situation, as if she has been there before.

"Hello?" She spoke quietly and her body stayed tensed while her eyes betrayed her, dark orbs glazing over with unease. "I know someone's out there."

She continued walking until a crunching began to sound in her ears, eyebrows raising in confusion. Looking down, she was barefoot and walking on thousands upon thousands of cigarettes burned out and used. A horrible smell filled her nostrils making her gag but she kept moving on, the déjà vu too much to ignore.

"I used to get down on my knees and ask God to show me my purpose." A unfamiliar voice rang out into the silence like a siren, causing her heart to jump in its chest, fear finally invading her body. "Let me stand athwart the doorway, I told him."

"Who is that!" She screamed into the once again silence, a ringing sounding in her ear like a constant loop causing her to feel pain.

"But God...he doesn't take requests." The voice continued and she let out a hiss of pain, her ears ringing so loud her head began to spin. She continued walking, the cigarettes burning her feet as she did, blood dripping from her ears.

"Stop!" She screamed, eyes shutting momentarily as she began to run. Everything became too overwhelming and she felt as if the air was suffocating her completely.

"So I waited...for years...for instructions."

"No, no, no! Stop, stop!" She felt tears escape from her eyes and her chest began to ache in pain, her whole body feeling as if it was being set on fire.

"And then, one day...one beautiful day...God answered."

It was as if a switched turned off and the ringing was gone, blood no longer oozing from her ears. Cigarettes were replaced with a cold pavement and her tears stopped. She opened her eyes slowly and felt her stomach drop at the sight. It was as if she was in a hole, metal completely surrounding her as well as the thin air, darkness everywhere.

What she could make out was a tall structure, like a cage almost, right in front of her. A single chair is a few feet away from the cage and she finds herself walking towards it, a can right beside the wooden seat. Inside the can was cigarettes filling up halfway, a molding smell invading her nostrils once more but it was dull. A bible was atop the chair and she picked it up, feeling the cold leather between her small hands. Letting out a breathe, she could see the mist escape her mouth and into the air. When she looked up at the cage though, she jumped back in fear as a lean body stood in the cage, darkness casting away his face.


The young girl woke up screaming as a pair of arms wrapped around her body. Tears ran down her face like a waterfall and Willow felt as if she was having a panic attack.

"It's okay...it's me, Diane. I got you." Her older sister spoke into her ear, Willow immediately calming down. "Another nightmare?"

"Yes." Willow spoke quietly in a small and shaky voice, brown eyes glossy and red, resembling her hair. "This one was different."

"Want to talk about it?"

"No...n-not yet." Diane nodded and let go of her sister, but not before giving her a small kiss to the forehead. The young girl closed her eyes at the gesture, enjoying the warmth it gave off.

"Just go back to bed."

Willow nodded and watched as Diane left the room while turning off the lights, the small night light admitting a yellow hue in corner of the room. As Willow laid her head back down onto the pillow, she didn't notice the small trickle of blood that seemed to drip out of her ear, falling onto the white pillow slowly, leaving a crimson dot.

That was the last dream she had for a long, long time. But not long enough. So...she began to paint.



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