Grocery Shopping

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I woke up to the snapping sound of Levi's fingers, I slowly opened and rubbed my eyes and then - whoa! I woke up to the most amazing view I've ever seen, Levi had stopped the car on a mountain, not a big one but the view was still breathtakingly stunning, he looked at me kinda pissed,

"I was literally driving all night with no company because SOMEONE had to sleep."

He said as he placed a praline filled croissant on my lap,

"I was tired."

"Thank God Charles entertained me by getting on top of you and peeing on you."

He said with a serious look,

"What? Really?"

He burst into laughter as he sipped on his iced almond milk latte,

"Does my coffee look tempting? I don't share coffee."

He said and got outside of the car as the radio was still playing a punk song as it always does, it's been almost 4 days since I have decided to abandon my parents and live an adventure, no regrets there, Levi made it all worth it.

He sat on top of the cars roof and then helped me get on it too, Charles was sleeping in the backseat and we were just sitting there starring at the beautiful view, what an amazing place.

Levi was holding his backpack and then he opened it and took a cigarette out,

"I like to smoke rarely. When I see something beautiful I wanna light a cigarette and just relax and enjoy the view. You want one?"

I thought of saying No, but this was an adventure, my adventure, our adventure, so I said yes.

We both lit a cigarette and shared comfortable silence, we felt as if we knew each other for years, I secretly took a sip of his coffee and as he blew his smoke out he smirked,

"I saw that."


I was so confused,

He removed his sunglasses and looked at me,

"I can smell your breath. It smells like iced almond milk latte."

I laughed and then he started laughing,

"And moments like these are the ones that we are supposed to keep them forever in a photograph."

He took his Polaroid camera out and then took one of the view and of us smiling big and genuinely being happy, he then sticked those inside the notebook, as we were flipping pages we were seeing pictures and on top of the pages were the cities names, the first city we were together, that's where the notebook started, you could see, Zurich, Munich and now Prague,

"Do you have any idea what Prague is most known of?"

I shook my head No,

"To most people, the Charles bridge, but to the male community, the Czech orgies porn."

I looked at him confused and then started laughing, he burst into laughter too,

"I'm serious. It's kinda dope."

I got down and open the passengers seat and grabbed a blanket, it was a chilly morning, I got back up again and threw the blanket on both of us, he moved a bit towards me and hugged me and then we stopped talking and just enjoyed the view.

A few minutes later as we have fed Charles and he was ready to go we got inside the car and we drove inside the city, we had a big walk and took countless pictures, Levi was looking dope, he was wearing black pants, a simple white top, you could see his white shocks and then his black converse, I on the other hand kept it chill because it was kinda cold and I just was getting cold by even the slightest wind, so I wore sweats.

At some point we got inside a grocery store, we were looking to buy water and some sandwiches for the road, we would spend another night here because Levi wanted to see the view on that mountain at the night time, he looked at me,

"If we buy these we won't have money for gas."

"What do we do? We're running out on snacks and actual food and Charles doesn't have much dog food left."

He smirked, I didn't like that smirk, usually when he was smirking shit was about to go down,

" We'll just steal them."

I stood there looking at him confused and I thought this was by far his worst idea,

"Lets do it."

We shoved snacks, dog food and sandwiches as well as some water in our backpacks and we tried to leave unnoticed, but they saw us through the cameras and started chasing us and yelling at us, we ran as fast as could both laughing hysterically until we reached the car, we quickly got inside and he drove away,

"This was.."

"This was sick dude."

He said as he started playing some music,

"You are crazy."

"I know."

"I like that a lot about You."

He had a genuine smile on his face.

A few minutes later we arrived at the mountain again where we put our tent, lit a bonfire and set some blankets in the tent and outside to sit on, Charles was eating his fresh stolen dog food and was as happy as he could get with Levi hugging and kissing him,

"The car is right next to the tent tonight. If you don't wanna sleep with me I'll sleep in the car."

"No. I wanna sleep with you."

He smiled again,


"I won't bother you though."

"I want you to bother me."


"Up to you."

He took out his sandwich and started eating it as pleasure was painted on his face,

"So. Fucking. Dope."

I laughed and started eating mine, minutes later as we were about to fall asleep we decided to actually get inside the tent, Charles was sleeping in the car and we were hugging inside the tent until we both fell asleep.

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