Part 9

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Jughead and Chloe were crossing the street from pop's to the block that the grocery store sat on.

"What do we need to go to the grocery store for?" Chloe asked him and raised an eyebrow.

"Eggs-" he was cut off when he felt a surge into his lower side, and the seemingly muted sound of Chloe yelling his name.

He looked down at his shirt, furrowing his brows at the new stain on his skunkhill tee. Blood. Jughead swallowed thickly and he became slowly yet some how quickly dizzy. Jughead fell on his back and shivered as he stared up at the ceiling of stars in the sky. He knew this would happen. He just knew it would.

Chloe was screaming and yelling something, he could hardly understand her.

His eyes started to flutter but they wouldn't close as chloe kept hitting him, trying to keep him from falling into death.

But death is inevitable.

And death was beginning to clasp jughead into it's cold grip.

People began to gather and Chloe looked up, only to see the backs of phones.

"Someone call an ambulance!!!!" She screamed and began to sob as she tried her best to apply pressure to the wound. The wound of which was his liver that had been punctured by a bullet from a glock.

A cheap man, shot by a cheap gun.

Finally someone, a few people actually had called 911 about the incident. But it was too late.

By 10:30 that night Jughead was already in the hospital, suffering from the burning wound in his chest as blood was being managed to keep it from flooding out like a rushing river.

Chloe looked at him with red eyes as she gripped his already seemingly luke warm hand.

"Please Jughead..Please don't leave me, you-you're all that I have" She begged and a sob became stuck in her burning throat. She wasn't anywhere near ready to let him go.

FP came rushing in along with Archie.

The two saddened and filled with panic. This was the last night they would see Jughead Jones alive.

The last night they would get a sarcastic witty comment thrown at them. Maybe it was even too late for that.

Archie looked into Jughead's eyes. It was the same look he got when he didn't know what to do in class. The same look that screamed a silent cry for help.

A look that said.

Please don't let me go.

Eventually Archie had grasped Jug's hand as well, they all had to say goodbye quickly. They only had so long with the dying boy.

Archie sniffled and listened to the heart monitor.

"Jughead..." he whispered. It was like he could hear him talking back.

What?...I'm dying here Archie, talk fast

Arch laughed a little before shaking his head.

"I'll miss ya...a fuck ton..Buddy but I can't let you go..not yet not now not ever you hear me" He said strictly and teared up again.

"You promised me...we wouldn't die until 200.." Archie frowned and gripped Jughead's hand tightly.

I suck at keeping promises

Archie smiled a little, hearing Jug's voice in his head.

Chloe peeked in and came back kissing Jug's cheek with tear stained cheeks.

"Please stay Jughead....please please please.." She begged and started to cry all over again.

Archie pulled Chloe into a warm tight embrace and swallowed thickly.

I'm. Sorry. I tried to tell you.

Fp came into the room and looked at Jughead. Looking his son in his open eyes one last time before it seemed the crow black haired boy said no more and left.

The heart monitor went flat. Jughead was gone.
He wasn't.
Jughead woke that afternoon with an ice pack on his side and Chloe laughing gently at him.
"Hey buddy you okay? You got hit with a few B.B. gun pellets in the head and I guess you passed out" she shrugged before sitting down.
"So...I'm alive?" He asked and patted himself down.
Chloe nodded.
"Yeah? Why wouldn't you be?" She asked.
"Because I had a dream about getting shot in the liver.." he mumbled and sat up.
"Well damn Jughead. That's dramatic.." Chloe sighed and sipped her tea.
"Yeah.." Jughead whispered, furrowing his confused brows.
"Alright then. Let's get to work" she nodded.
He raised an eyebrow. "On what?" Jughead asked.
"Suing Reggie" she grinned.

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