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So, Marley is really hungry.

He made it back to his room—Nero wasn't there, thank god—and relaxed on his bed. He closed his eyes and almost even drifted off, but then his stomach growled.

So here he is, outside the closed cafeteria doors, realizing the fact that this place only serves two meals and he missed both of them. After trying the door and not getting anywhere, he is able to determine that, yes, this cafeteria happens to be closed.

In other words, Marley is completely fucked. He's about to starve to death and there is nothing he can do about it.

Well, he could... maybe someone he knows can pick locks? Nero? Nero seems like the type to break rules for no reason. Maybe Marley could convince him. Somehow.

Before he can actually start planning something he most likely won't go through with, he hears a voice from a few feet away ask;

"Are you trying to get into the cafeteria?"

Marley, startled, turns on his heel to face the person that he immediately recognizes as the girl from Supervisor Hookler's group. She was the first one to introduce herself. Leilani, Marley's pretty sure. He doesn't know why he can remember Nero and Leilani but not Ben but that's just how it is.

"I..." He goes to defend himself, but she doesn't seem particularly malicious so he comes clean, "kind of. I haven't eaten anything all day."

She nods in understanding, a nervous but somehow serene kind of look about her. He doesn't know how she can be both of those at the same time but it's happening. He has a feeling the nervous part is probably because of him.

She doesn't answer, not for a while. She just kind of stands there, swaying a bit, staring at Marley.

At least a minute passes before Marley, to break the silence, says stupidly, "I'm Marley." Like she doesn't already know that. Like everyone doesn't already know that.

She seems to snap out of it and blushes slightly. "Sorry, I... uh... it's just kind of weird. Seeing you in person, I mean. I'm so used to you being on TVs and newspapers and books and magazines and..." she trails off. Staring at him.

Okay, Marley is used to this kind of treatment to an extent, but he really wants some food and she may need to wait a minute while he figures this out.

"You're shorter than I thought you'd be, but... cuter." Then she slams her hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

Yup, this is his cue to escape. Girls hit on him frequently but that does not, at all, mean he enjoys it. That said, he's about ready to make up some excuse as to why he needs to leave or something. Maybe try to find another entrance and sneak in there, but then she starts talking in a rush again;

"Do-Do you need food? Are you trying to get in there so you can get some food?"

Duh. "Yeah."

"Oh," she smiles and nods. Marley doesn't know why she's smiling at his oncoming starvation but okay. He turns back around and stares at the doors again. There has to be more than one entrance here. Maybe he should find someone who works here and ask. Maybe there's–

"You know, I could grow you something to eat. If you wouldn't mind?"

Marley turns back around and finds her scratching her elbow, looking at him all nervously like she's been doing. He's about to be really confused, but then he remembers her talking about Venus flytraps and he wonders if she has some kind of ability with plants.

At this point he doesn't particularly care if this is her way of flirting and he's taking advantage of her or whatever, he's just really hungry. "Sure."

Atelo [MXM] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now