Chapter 3: Adjusting

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Author's Not: So, you may have noticed that I change the title. The reason for this is because the silence theme was pretty weak by itself. Also, there is the whole bonded theme, which was meant for comedic purposes. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Legend of Zelda franchise. It belongs to Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto. Please don't sue! I only create OOCs!


"blah" : sign language

'blah': thoughts

[blah]: foreign language

Zelda placed back and forth in her library. This man who fell from the sky looked like a hylian, but not like a hylian. His skin was gray, tattooed with symbols, and black hair streaked with flicks of silver. His injuries were extensive, and he would be covered in scars. The garb he wore, it seemed like he either came from an ancient civilization, or an arid one. Looking through what was left of the historical texts, she couldn't find the symbols marked all over his arms. It was frustrating, most of the library that contained historical records were burned by Calamity Ganon. Now, she was stuck with this humanoid creature and no idea if the male wash hostile or not. She sent a messenger to Hateno Labs, but she hasn't heard back yet. She went back to one historical text, the one of how Hyrule was infected by a blanket of darkness and only a descendant of those banished by the goddesses could cure it. The hero and the goddesses' descendant had a trusted ally who destroyed the mirror, returning to the dark realm.

The story was only briefly touched on when she was a child, but after the mirror was broken, there was to be no contact from the dark realm. Then again, there were ways to reach the sacred realm, not just the triforce. Still, if this humanoid creature was a threat to Hyrule, she would quickly put it down. She was brought out of her thoughts by a soft voice. "Your highness?"

She looked up from her notes to look at a mousy maid. She was small in stature, and even tinier in voice. Thinking, she couldn't come up with the maid's name. Then again, she had just gotten a new staff after Hyrule Castle was rebuilt. "Thank you." She said, "Has this...person, exhibited any violent tendencies?"

"No, your highness. Though, he didtell the doctor that he wished to speak with you."
"He? This is a male?"
"The doctor confirmed it, among other things."

"Excellent I'll be there shortly."
The maid sighed as she saw Princess Zelda grab a quill and paper with a giddy expression. As she ran past the maid, the worker sighed. Many wondered if Zelda was meant to be a researcher rather than a monarch. Princess Zelda hurriedly walked down the hallways of her castle. She often marveled at how the master builders were able to restore her home to its formal glory. A brisk walk made it a short distance between the available rooms and the library. The guards bowed and opened the door to the doctor and the inhabitant. He looked male, with bandages adorning his chest. The old royal doctor stood and bowed. "How is he, Erol?"

"Besides the two broken ribs, the second degree burn to his leg, and the dislocated shoulder? He should be fine. He speaks very well, and I see no signs of a concussion."

"Is this Princess Zelda?" asked the male

She looked at him for a moment. His eyes were red, and he had black splotches everywhere, with one on his left eye. "Why yes, I am." She said, "Can you understand me?"
"I can understand you fine. To be honest, I'm actually surprised you didn't kill me on sight."

"I see no reason to kill a non-hostile creature?"
"Creature? Princess Zelda, my name is King Stil of the Twili, descendant of the interlopers."

Saphira could only wince as she heard King Dorephan bellow at his son. After the bonding ceremony, Prince Sidon had to sleep overnight in the room next to Saphira's, and of course the rumor mill started. Both were summoned to the King's chambers, which made Saphira shake in fear. She had never seen a creature so big, and she was hoping that she wouldn't be executed for such a stunt. Sidon had tried to assure her that this wouldn't be the case, but she still folded her arms to cover her twitching fingers. King Dorephan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Father, I assure you that Saphira has no ulterior motive." Said Sidon

"How do we know this?" asked Mizu, "Ever since this...thingarrived, we've had nothing but misery. First the poisoning from that shadow, then a third of our troops are dealing with a deadly poison, and now bonding with our Prince?"

"She didn't mean for that to happen. She was just trying to communicate."
"And she couldn't find another way?"

"She is standing right here." Snapped Saphira, "And no, I don't have another way, considering normal languages takes years to master. Plus, I already know how to cure them and I told your royal doctor how to cure them."
"Witch!" hissed Mizu, "You did this to your people!"
"Enough!" bellowed King Dorephan

Saphira stepped forward, going down on one knee. "Your Majsty, my intent was to warn your people of the creature that passed through our portal."

King Dorephan looked at the girl with wisdom in his eyes, then looked at his son. He lowered his hand. "Rise child, and come here."

She looked back at Sidon, who got closer and held her hand. A feeling of calmness washed over her as he led her to the King's hand. She stood her back rigid but her left hand twitching. Sidon gave her right hand a squeeze for reassurance. "Tell me what was your intention." Said the King

"I wish to warn the people of this land of the demon that plagued our lands, killed all our food, and forced us to flee to this land. The demon, Lenora, destroyed everything because we refused to bow down to her whims. She possessed our Queen, and created a King for herself, a usurper named Aghanim. I apologie your Majesty for anything I did, but I did notmean to bond myself to Prince Sidon. I don't plan on marrying him or any other man."
A tug of hurt crossed her and she felt her hand being let go. Out the corner of her eye, she could see Prince Sidon turning away. "As priestesses, we are to remain chaste, a conflict of feelings would only desecrate the oath that we took as teenagers. I willfind a way to break this bond between us."

King Dorephan nodded and lowered his hand for the two to step off. That pang of hurt in her chest seemed to get heavy, especially when she looked at Prince Sidon, who was looking away from her. "Very well, Mizu, make sure Saphira has access to the library."
Mizu balked at his King and then compsed himself. He bowed and walked away, glaring at Saphira on her way out. King Dorephan sighed, looking away for a second before looking down at the two of them. "I hope that you canbreak this bond."

"I'll do my best."

With one last bow, she left the room quickly after Sidon. He walked quickly, with her following briskly after him. The hallways became familiar to her, and the Prince stopped before an ornate set of doors, with the symbol of the Zora above it. She could see the Prince sigh before turning to look at her. His arms were folded and he looked down at her with a look of contempt, but she could see the look of hurt in his eyes, and in her heart. "Prince Sidon?" she asked

"Don't you have somewhere else you could be?" he sneered

"Is there something you need to talk to me about?"
"After you rejectedme? I don't think so."
Saphira felt guilt knot in her stomach. She didn't remember outright rejecting him, but she knew she was impeccable in her words when she stated that her intention wasn't to marry Sidon. Sure, he was a cute man and, wait, cute? She felt her face flush and then she cleared her throat. "Maybe we should talk about this in private?"
Sidon pinched the bridge of his nose and led her inside. She gave an apologetic look the guards before going in, but it didn't seem to faze them. She shut the doors behind her and then looked at a pacing Prince Sidon. "This is not like me." He said, "I'm sorry."
"Well, I figured it had something to do with the bonding ceremony we did. Maybe it enhanced our feelings and made is more attracted to each other."
"Yes, well it's hard to turn down a beautiful woman."

Saphira blushed again and looked away. Sidon could feel a pang of sorrow in his chest, and watched as she stood defensively, back towards him. "Don't lie. I'm the only Twili you've seen. When you meet my people, you'll find someone even more beautiful."
Sidon puckered his lips for a moment as he felt despair creep into his heart. He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "When I say you're beautiful, I meant it."
She brushed him away before turning around. He could feel the despair getting lighter, slightly. "You're only saying that because of the bonding. When I find a way to break it, you'll be back to normal."

"Well until then, I'm going to show you around the kingdom."

"How? Sunlight is very painful if you haven't noticed."
"Maybe your cloak."

"Not enough. Besides, I don't wan to keep getting it dirty. I'm guessing black cloth isn't in demand."
Sidon scratched the bottom of his chin. Cloth wasn't necessary except for special occasions. "Maybe the hylian merchant has something."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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