It hasnt been long since Usagi Sakatsuki lost his memories of the past.He lives alone so it will be hard for him to regain his memories,he was always looking for clues but all he remembered was when he had an accident .He was a victim of a bomb explotion in an internet cafe debris hit his head causing him to have amnesia.He sometimes will have a flashback of the accident at night.
He was looking for clues about his past in his house but he found nothing.Sakatsuki accidentally hit his cabbinet and a box fell on his head."ouch!"he said Sakatsuki looked down the box he opened it he saw a picture with a mark that said "Katsuki we miss you." He didnt know who wrote that nor who those people were but in the picture was a bloned girl woth blue eyes and a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes"Do i know these people?"he said Ill just have to find out more.Sakatsuki started pulling out more things in the box there was a notebook he opened it but it was blank "What is this trash?!"he said .Then something fell out of the box of the box he picked it up it was a letter.
Dear Elley and Sora
Hows it going there hope you all are ok. Its been great for me here im ok.I kinda miss you guys send me a letter if you have time.Hey make sure you dont do anything reckless . I got your pic you all are looking good.Visit me if you have time. Bye ...........
Your friend
Usagi Sakatsuki
"So i wrote this?" Damn its so hard when you forget.
Cerita PendekA boy named Sakatsuki nicknamed Katsuki lost his memories and tries to regain it but it will be hard for him.