Chapter 6 amnesia: taste familiar

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Chapter 6 AMNESIA= taste familiar

Narrator POV

Sakatsuki woke up after sleep but he felt a bit hungry. So he decided to go outside and eat at a restaurant. He was walking when he saw a restaurant called Nostataste he hasn't went there yet so he just tried the food there.

Sakatsuki POV

I went inside the restaurant it smelled familiar it was like nostalgia. I went to find a seat, then I ordered rice balls but it felt like I want to try a type of wine here so I ordered some amazake and I have never tried it. My order arrived fast and i was eating my rice balls after that i drank the amazake but somehow its like i tasted it before. It has a familiar taste.........

I got a piece of my memory back

Me and Sora,Elley,Yui were going to nostatste and got amazake for take out and went to Elley's house "Hey Katsuki come and try this its good" said Sora "No thanks...." I replied "Why not?" Asked Sora " Because maybe my parents will get mad at me "But your parents are dead right?" Said Elley "Hey Elley shut it Katsuki won't want to remember that?!" Said Yui "C'mon even Elley tried it!" Said Sora "When I was young i did try it!" Said Elley "If Katsuki won't like it then here I'll take it for him" said Yui " Hey even Yuuuuu is drinking it. Katsuki lets all be fair." Said Sora " Well i guess its not gonna be that bad." I said and drank the amazake "Hey...... It is good."

The memory ended and i went back to my house.

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