Chapter Two

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    Blowing over the hot steam from this brownish mug, I looked over at Parker, and slid him the mug. "Hot chocolate, just the way you like it Parks." I said, calling him by his nickname. He rolled his eyes, and mumbled a thank you. Parker always hates it when I call him Parks. "Anytime." I smiled, sitting beside him. He raised a brow, pausing before taking a sip, looking into my Hazel eyes, then at my empty hands. "Where's your cup, lia ?" I could tell he was already worrying over me. I shrugged, laying my head down.

    As I laid my head down, I felt something poke the back of my head. "Don't do that", "do what?" I could hear mischief in his voice, which was never a good thing. Especially if it's coming from your best friend. I gulped down, just as he wrapped his arms around me.

Oh no, please no.. just then I felt it.

  He began to violently tickle me. I squirmed in his wrath, trying to escape and not break my kitchen island. Gasping for air and giggling my ass off, I pushed him away. "P-p-Parks, s-stop" I said between giggles and gasps. Alas I was no match for Parker, he had him wrapped between his fingers, literally. Eventually I popped my head up again and looked into his blue eyes, I knew that's what he wanted. Frowning I whined like a child, "happy?" I asked. He simply smiled and nodded, with satisfaction. "Very."

   Smiling I slapped his arm. "Dick", I muttered. He replied with "Grayson." Incase you didn't know, that was a character from DC comics, yes we are huge comic geeks. "In your dreams, Grayson is so much better than you!" I snickered. "Maybe in the real world" he shrugged and blew away the steam from the hot chocolate before taking a sip. Rolling my eyes I scoffed at his comment. "But he's no match for Bruce" we both muttered in unison. That was Theo's favourite line, whenever we debated be always would say Bruce wins, you can't beat Batman. Stuff like that. "I miss him." I whispered to myself, Turing my gaze towards Parker. "I know you do, we all do." He patted my back, leaning himself against the kitchen island.

   Theo, or also known as Theodor. His laugh echoed around me, as the room began to shun out the lights. Everything become dark, the windows seemed to disappear, no light, no doors and no Parker. Just myself and this stool, spinning around an empty pitch black room, listening to the echoes of laughter. Star eyed, I ran, and ran, and ran. To no avail, there was no escape, I was just running away from the pointlessness of the depths of darkness. There was no escape, no way out, until everything stopped and I laid in front of him. Theo.

   Shaking, I jumped up and looked around. Parker's face held concern once more. The darkness and black room was gone, and my kitchen came back to view. Everything from the modern white counters and cabinets, to the pale yellow wall and of course the none matching red fridge. Gulping down I looked at him, like a deer caught in headlights. Dumbfounded I muttered a sorry and looked down at my fingertips, fidgeting I started peeling away the acrylic red nail polish. "You okay?" He asked, his arm still rubbing my back in comfort. I nodded, but I could tell he knew I was lying. "Another episode, huh? They're getting more and more Common Lia.. maybe it's time we seek some.. help." Parker knew, I didn't want that, I mean who did? Who wants to pay hundreds of dollars to some doctor telling you, you're fucked up. I certainly don't. "No, no way, I'm fine, it's just a phase." I replied quickly, not wanting to pounder upon the subject any longer. "Amelia Elizabeth Lee, YOU my friend, need help. And that's okay, I'll come with you, because God knows I've seen some shit too." He smirked at me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. I simply smiled at his action.

*     *     *

     It was a little past 1 am, and I was in my room. My laptop was spread out in front of me, while I was underneath this massive blanket fort, that Parker has perviously made. He was passed out over to my left, while on my right I was gulping down some delicious herbal tea. "Peppermint tea, is supposed to relax the mind" Parker has said earlier. The two of us decided to have a long marathon of  back to back movies. The last one we saw was fight club, it was both Parker's and Theo's favourite movie. Hm.. Theo. I shook off the feeling of guilt and fear with his name, I used to feel nothing but comfort and love from that name. But not anymore, things change.

   Parker groaned and shifted over, grabbing one of my spare teddy bears. A smirk, spread across my face from ear to ear. Parker Becker is adorable. You can't say I'm wrong on this one either ladies. I know what you're thinking, what a kind hearted sweetheart, how is he single? Truth be told, I'm not exactly sure why. I do know is that Parker, doesn't really like talking about his ex, I met her once or twice and she seemed okay. Three months later of meeting her, I found out she was what you would call, a thot. she cheated on him. They were together for two years too, it's been about a year since then and ever since Parker went even quieter. He barely speaks as much as he did, which wasn't much, and he tends to stay away from the romantic scene. Parker always explains that it was just because he was trying to discover himself, in reality he was afraid of trusting again.

   Grabbing a handful of popcorn I looked at my laptop screen, muttering every word that come from captain America's mouth. In all honesty, I've probably seen captain America; the first avenger, at least fifty times. Parker never minded, since he loved marvel just as much as me. Theo was of course more of a DC fan, which I equally respected. I loved both in all honesty. "Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, this is my choice." I mutter along with Steve Rogers, this was the part I least enjoyed. The heartbreaking choice, but one that must be made. I watched as the radio went dead, and Peggy looked dumbfounded and heartbroken. She just lost a lover, that was one of the worst things that can happen to someone. I frowned and looked over at Parker, who was fast asleep.

    As if he could read my mind, the blonde blue haired boy poked his head up. His eyes were heavy, full of exhaustion. They were still as blue as ever, as he currently kept his contacts in. Parker ran his hand through this thick Blueish hair, he seemed to be over the blue phase letting it grow out to his natural blonde hair. He yawned and stretched, "it's late.. sleep." He simply said, looking at me with tired eyes. "Can't sleep." My eyes stayed glued to the screen as the last scenes flashed before my hazel eyes. I turned to Parks, with an empty popcorn bowl and an empty mug. "Now I can sleep" I smirked. He just sighed and rolled over, grabbing the teddy bear. I heard him mumbling somethings in German, unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with the language.

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