Take Mine For Yours

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The young boy called into the hallway, running after the sound of his own voice as it bounced off the walls. His eyes fervently scanned the area; he'd been so sure that his love had been kept here...

"Jimin..." He gasped and rushed towards the small being that was curled up into a ball, sitting in the corner of the room.

Jungkook hadn't be sure of what to expect when he walked in, but it certainly wasn't this. His lover was shivering, shaking violently even though the room they were in barely dipped below room temperature. He crouched down, almost afraid to touch him, afraid that if he did that the latter would fall apart completely. With eyes widening and filling up with sorrow, Jungkook could only watch and wait for Jimin to try and regain himself.

"I want it to stop."

Jungkook heard the small squeak from the boy, but decided not to say anything. He'd rather have Jimin tell him the problem in his own time.

"No more hallucinations of you, please." The broken sob that followed hurt Jungkook almost as much as the other's words did. "I can't handle it, it hurts when I know you're just another figment of my imagination."

Without thinking, Jungkook grabbed the smaller's hands into his own, making him jolt his head up in shock. When his eyes landed on the his lover's features, his heart ached. Jimin's eyes were puffy and swollen, overflowing with sorrow whilst his cheeks were stained with dry tears. His lips were red and puffy (Jungkook knew he'd been biting them in the midst of his anxiety).

Jimin freed one of his hands from Jungkook's and used it to reach out and softly caress the younger's features; it was almost as if he couldn't believe his own eyes. His soft fingers traced over every single beauty mark that Jungkook had. Once his skin came in contact with Jungkook's soft lips, he gasped and retracted his hand instantly.

"K-Kookie?" His voice sounded so gentle and afraid.

"Yes baby, I'm here—"

And Jungkook was bulldozed into a bone-crushing hug and it was almost as if Jimin was trying to wave off any doubts of his presence. The former automatically rested his chin on top of the other's head, wrapping his arms around the other's waist tightly.

"How c-could you?" Jimin stammered his words out in between his sobs. "Don't you remember what I told you before you left?" He wrestled his way out of the taller's grasp to look him in the eyes.


"Of course you forgot!" He cried, pushing at Jungkook's chest. He was sobbing hysterically now, resuming to grip onto the front of the other's shirt since he no longer had the strength to push him away. "I told you that my heart is yours!"

Obviously Jungkook remembered that, but he had not clue as to what that had to do with the situation they were in.

"And that if something happened to me, you'd die..." He continued, pouring the words out before Jimin had the chance to.

"Y-Yes." He sniffled.

"But my love, I don't understand-"

"Of course you don't!" He berated in between his tears. Jimin placed a small hand over Jungkook's chest, where he could feel the heartbeat. "I told you my heart is yours. This heart that's beating, that's keeping you alive, doesn't belong to you. It's my heart." He shut his eyes before continuing. "When I told you I love you, I gave you my heart."

And then Jungkook remembered.

"Hyung, what do you believe about love?" Jungkook asked, holding his breath as they lay under the stars.

"You'd probably find it weird, forget it." Jimin had replied with a sigh.

Jungkook got up from his position, ignoring his close proximity to look at the other with his pleading for eyes. He had never been able to resist them.


Jimin didn't even need to spare a thought.

"Well, I think that when people are in love, they give their hearts to one another." After saying it aloud, Jimin realised his words didn't give his idea enough justice so he continued. "Their heart is no longer keeping them alive, it's their better half's. It's hard to explain, really-"

"No, I get it. When two people are in love, their partner's heart beats within their chest instead of their own. So if one of them feels pain, the other feels it too. Especially if one of them dies, then the other is just as good as dead. Right?" Jungkook connected the dots together and realised what his hyung was trying to say.

"Yeah, but it's a metaphor. One that I truly believe is real." Jimin exhaled in content, happy that the other was accepting of his unique ideology.

"That's... That's beautiful, hyung." The younger replied before lying back down on the grass, holding Jimin close.

And that's when both of them knew, they were truly in love (but way too afraid to confess).

"What if you didn't come back?" Jungkook snapped out of his reverie with the sound of his lover's voice.

So he was afraid of me dying whilst being on enemy lines? Jungkook thought.

"What would I do then?" Jimin's voice got quieter as he began to cry silently.

The younger used the pads of his fingers to wipe away the tears that seemed to continuously fall seep out before resting both his hands on the other's cheeks. He pulled Jimin into a kiss, one that was reassuring and comforting for the both of them. Their lips moulded against one another, passionately. They could taste the other's tears but could only feel the undying embers of their lives burning away, keeping evil at bay.

Once they pulled away, Jimin had stopped crying and was panting for air. Jungkook placed their foreheads together and stared deep into his lover's almond brown eyes.

"Baby, I'll never leave you." And Jimin instantly believed it, with all the conviction that the taller had said it with, with the intense gaze of confidence that he used. "Not when my heart is beating within your chest. If my heart is keeping you alive, how could I possibly leave you?"

"I was worried sick and scared." Jimin gulped but didn't tear his eyes away from Jungkook's.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, love." Jungkook said with a smile. "I'm here now."

There was a comfortable silence between the two before Jungkook remembered where they were.

"Let's go, baby." He stood up and picked Jimin up bridal style.

"I want cuddles and kisses when we get home." The other squeaked with a pout.

To which, Jungkook replied with a chuckle,
"Of course."

He lead his lover out of all the chaos, past the lifeless bodies that Jungkook remembered fighting in order to get to his love.

And Jimin was glad, that he had the heart of such a strong person beating inside of him.

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