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He gives me a sympathetic look.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." he looks a tad bit shocked.

It's my fault.

His expression turns from shocked to worry, his large hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, I'm sure it's not your faul-" I slam my hands down and look at him angrily. He looks taken back and quickly removes his hands from me. I rub my hands against my face, frustrated. A sudden realization hits me. They are still at home, dead o the floor. I didn't call the police or anything. I quickly stand and so does Michael.

"No, Luke please don't go I'm sorry." he rambles. My face softens and I tug on his hand, leading him to the elevator. I type on my phone and show him.

Can you call the police for me?

"Uh, why?" he looks confused. H e doesn't know how when or why my parents are dead.

My parents are dead, here is the address, call the police.

His eyes widen and his mouth falls slightly agape.

"Y-you mean, they just died, like today?"

I nod. He quickly takes out his phone and calls the police. He is stuttering on the phone the whole time, and it is the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen. We are walking out of the doors of the library quickly, me tugging his hand to follow.

"Uh, where are we going Luke?" he questions. I slow down for a moment and flah him my screen

My house.


The police ask me question after question. The sirens blowing out my damn ear drums. Michael stands a few feet away, also speaking to a police officer. My fingers are typing as fast as they can as the officers fire questions at me. I am asked to come down to the police station with them.

I nod in response. The officer turns away to speak with one of my neighbors. I step to Michael, who is finished talking with the police man.

Will you come to the station with me? I don't want to be alone.

I type, ashamed. I am asking this complete stranger to do all these thing for me, but for some reason, I feel like a know him. I feel like I trust him. He smiles at me and nods. He grabs my hand with his larger one.

"Of course."

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