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It all happens so fast, the truck hits us head on. I barley have time to swing my arm in front of Luke and using all my strength,  push him back into the seat. I am panting as the car finally stops spinning. I then realize that the car is upside down, one hand grips the steering wheel and the other is hold Luke away from the shattered windshield.

My breath hitches as I look ahead of me, a sharp piece of jagged metal is jutting straight at me through the nonexistent windshield, if i was an inch foreword, it would have gone straight through my head. My eyes dart over to Luke slumped in the passenger seat.

He has a large cut on his forehead and a busted lip. But his eyes are closed, why the hell are his eyes closed..I don't think he hit his head on anything, I was holding him back the whole time. I slowly relax the arm secured in front of him. It was entirely numb and there was a long deep gash spewn across it. I was the last thing on my mind right now, I couldn't move my head, because of the broken metal piece almost piercing me.

"Kitten? Kitten please wake up...Luke?" I gently shake him, he doesn't respond.

"Luke? Lukey please" I plead, the tears flowing freely. My arm shakes him again just as a crimson liquid drips down. My eyes follow where the drop came from, landing on his stomach. There was a sharp piece of something lodge into his middle, soaking his white tee shirt with red. My eyes widen and my heart physically stops. Oh my god, what if he's dead? We were going to get married, we were going to have children...I was going to be with him for the rest of my life. I was finally going to be happy with the love of my life...a sickly feeling over powers me and I find myself screaming his name as loud as I possibly can. He doesn't even flinch.

"Luke! Luke please!" I am begging now, hot tears boiling in my eyes.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP US!" I scream, desperate, hoping someone, anyone would help him.

"Kitten it's okay, you're going to be okay..." I try and soothe him, although it's more for myself. I hear someone calling out to us...a medic.

"No help him! I'm fine, j-just help him!" I tell them and they immediately move to other side of the car, attempting to get Luke out of the over turned vehicle. I am told to crawl out of the passenger side as well, since I am uninjured and my car door is smashed. I don't even register the words being thrown at me, my brain picks up the important ones and my body follows unknowingly.

I see him, surrounding by medics, being put on a gurney. I rush to his much blood. His entire front is completely drench in deep red, making me sick to stomach. I try to get closer, so I can brush my fingers through his messy hair and tell him everything is going to be okay, but I am pulled away.

"Sir, we have to get him to the hospital now, I'm sorry, you'll see him soon. She says as she pulls me farther away and Luke is wheeled into an ambulance, immediately taking off.

"L-Luke..." I trail off, not taking my eyes of the speeding vehicle.

"Sir, they're doing everything they can, but now you have to help me okay?" she asks. I roboticly nod, not understanding what she's telling me. I am in complete shock...I have this unending feeling of numbness running throughout my entire body. Nothing seems real.

She asks me question after question as a man stitches my arm, which is poring out the familiar red fluid. I lick my lips, which are dotted with blood as well, tasting metal. Just like when his lips ring would press against my lips as we kissed.

"Luke." I cut off the woman, who was in the middle of asking me something I didn't remember.

"Michael, I have already told you, I don't know anything about Luke. But the faster you answer these questions, the faster you can go and see him." she tells me, frustrated. I blankly look at her, awaiting the next question. I don't even remember telling her my name, or Luke's...all I need to know is I need to get to him.

"Michael?" she asks slowly. I just look up at her. "I can take you to Luke now. C'mon." she gestures. I am on my feet before she even understands whats happening. I quickly follow her to a squad car and enter it as fast as possible. She sees my anxiousness and puts on the sirens, zooming out of the gruesome scene.

All I can think is: Is he okay...will my kitten live?

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