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Isabella POV
"You don't talk much do you"Marcus said
"Uh....not really" I replied
"Can I ask you something?" he said
"Technically u just did" I smiled
"You're cute but seriously can I ask you something"
"Why do you have so much scars  on your body ?"
Instantly my heart stopped I mentally smack myself cause I was stupid enough not to cover up myself
"I-I-I uhhh ummm that's to much of a personal question" I replied stuttering
" I'm sorry"
"That's ok"I replied
Soon after the bell rang dismissing us for our next period
"Which class do u have next" Marcus said ,
"And then after that"
"English" great we have every class together
"Well that's awesome"
He chuckled "Yeah I think it's is"
"Ok class so today we're gonna be learning how to play couple instruments"
I heard cheers and squealing from the students
"Ok so I'm gonna take the roll and then we will continue the lesson"
"Sophia" present miss
"Joela " present miss
"Isabella" present miss
She looked up and our eyes locked for a about an hour but really it was a couple seconds
"It's nice to see you at school" she said smiling
I smiled she looked down and continued on with the roll
Looking at the clock I'm ready to burst out of this class it wasn't boring it's just that I hate social interaction I just rather being alone
I turned and saw Marcus looking at me
"What?" I asked him with a smile
"I don't know there is just something about you that is so......different"
I shrugged not knowing what to say
I turned my direction to the front of the class and my eyes instantly connected with Ms.Smith she smiled and looked away
I chuckled
Soon after the bell rang
And as I was getting ready to leave I heard
Ms. Smith called out for me to stay after class
"I'll wait up for you" Marcus said
I nod in response
Sighing I made my way to Ms.Smith desk
"Hey so umm I know you missed a couple of notes so here I printed out copies of what we did last week"
I smiled at the fact that she didn't have to copy them but she did
"Thank you"
"Your welcome sweetheart"
And with that I quickly walked out the classroom bumping into Marcus
"Hey slow down" he said
" do you notice that we are late"
"Yeah,and your point is ?"
I rolled my eyes and started walking to the English department
*Knock knock*
I heard clicking of heels making its way over to the door
"Hi" Ms. Hunter
"Hi" I replied
"Why are you late" she said my teacher held me back to talk to me
"And you" she said gesturing to Marcus
" I had to wait for her or else she would get lost" Marcus said
"Ok well......."
"Ms.Hunter your ass is looking good right now I wouldn't mind hitting hit from the back" a kid said
That was disrespectful I thought
I looked at Ms.Hunter and her facial expression changed she was sad I mean I would to
"Take your seats" she said so softly I'm surprised I even heard what she said
I went to the back of the class where there were like 6 empty chairs at the front
Marcus came and sat beside of me
"Ok class" Ms. Hunter said clearing her throat
"Today I want you guys to write a short story about ......"
she didn't even finish the sentence before the same boy shout
"We don't care about what you want us to do Hunter can't you see"
I was taken back by what I heard I was even more taken back when Ms.Hunter
Looked up with tears threatening to leave her eyes
But no one noticed
Cause they were all laughing like it was a joke to be disrespectful to someone I don't give a fuck if she seems young it doesn't give you the right
She cleared her throat
And issued out the papers for us to write the short story on
She placed a paper on every desk
And walked back to her desk She sat Down and I'm 100% sure I saw a tear but she quickly wiped it away so that no one saw
But I did cause I was the only being quiet even Marcus started talking to some of his friends
But I was the only one who saw that she was crying

This made me wonder what is her life like and why does she allow them to walk over her and treat her like she is just some piece of garbage with no value.

Then my eyes traveled to her hand and saw that  she had a few bruises some clearly old and some freshly new
She looked up and instantly our eyes made four her eyes where puffy and blood shot red I could see the pain in her ocean blue eyes
And then the bell rang startling me and causing her to look away.
"I'll will see you guys tomorrow and remember to finish up the story for homework" she said
"Shut the fuck up" he said
I was getting irritated one being she isn't doing anything
Why isn't she doing anything ?
"Uhh Isabella can u stay for couple minutes I need to talk to you" she said
" I'll see you tomorrow "Marcus said
And with that it was just the both of us alone

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