Silver piercings

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"Babe, please, calm down. Let me explain, please," Nathan said. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "Yes, I did kiss Michal but not like this. He- well he's insecure and he, he asked for help. You see, he hasn't had his first kiss - well he has now - but like he wanted to kiss his crush but he didn't know how to and he asked if I could help him out. It didn't mean anything. Babe, please believe me," he cried out.

The other boy was quiet, listening what his boyfriend has to say. He knew he somehow will lose him, Nathan was a vampire, and who the hell would say no to his vampire charm. He was mad at Nathan but he couldn't leave him. Finally he just humphed and marched to their bedroom, curling up on their bed.

"Chris, please. Can you at least say something?" Nathan said, following his boyfriend to the bedroom.

"I'm going out. I need to think," Chris mumbled and got out of the bed, not once looking at Nathan's direction. He took his leather jacket and stomped out of their apartment.


It was 9:48pm and Chris still wasn't back. Nathan was getting worried. His boyfriend - he didn't even know if he can call Chris that, he hadn't said anything - had been out for at least five hours.

Nathan was curled up on the couch, a blanket over his shoulders and ice-cream container on his lap, watching a sad movie, when he heard the door creak and tip-toeing steps coming closer.

"Chris?" he shouted and ran to the door.

And there he really was, okay, for now at least. He had a smirk on his face.

"Well, no hello kiss?" he asked teasingly, a silver piercing on his tong.

"Babe! You can't do that!" Nathan shouted, realisation struck in his face. As a vampire, silver burned him. "Babe, please, take them off," he begged.

"Nope. Take your lesson of snogging other guys. You're mine. You get that?" Chris asked, a piercing on his tong flashing with every word.

The vampire whimpered and nodded. "I'm yours. All yours. Can you take them off now?"

"Nah, you deserve your punishment," with that, Chris emerged to the bedroom and changed his clothes to pyjamas. He layed down on the bed, snuggling up to his pillows.

Soon Nathan joined him, his back to his boyfriend and a scowl on his face.

That night they both slept restlessly, not used to not be cuddled up to the other.


Chris woke up to being shaked. He groggily opened his eyes, only to see his boyfriend, a plate on his hands.

"I uhh, cooked you a breakfast," he said, a sheepish smile on his face, "as a sort of apology. I shouldn't have kissed Michal, I just wanted to help and I really didn't think. I'm stupid. I have all I want in my arms and I almost let you slip away. I'm so sorry. So I cooked you breakfast - eggs, ba- where are you going?" he suddenly asks when Chris got up from the bed and marched to the bathroom, "Chris, come back! I'm in a middle of an apology! Your sudden needs can wait, can't they?"

He followed his boyfriend to the bathroom, a scowl on his face. Chris stood in front of the mirror, a silver piercing beside the sink. He turned around at the sound of steps, not seeing anyone in the mirror but knowing his boyfriend had entered. He smiled softly and stepped closer to the vampire, sliding his hand to his hair.

Nathan stood there shocked of the closeness of the other boy.

Soon their lips crashed, joining in passionate, loving kiss.

"So... You accept my apology?" Nathan asks, still out of breath.

"Yes. Of course. Can I have my breakfast now?" he answers, a smug smirk on his face. Nathan chuckles and grabs his boyfriend's hand, leading him back to the bedroom, where they sit together on the bed and feed eachother.


"Nathaniel Matthew Dalore, did you ate my last cookie?" cames a distressed voice from the kitchen.

"I may or may not have... Babe, I'm sorry! It looked so lonely!" Nathan defended himself.

Chris pouted and crossed his arms, "whatever," he mumbled and went to the bathroom. When he left the bathroom, he had his tong piercing back in its place.

"Chris! Babe! No not the piercing again!" Nathan whined as he saw the piercing flickering on his boyfriend's tong. "Take it off, babe. Please."

"No," the boy pouted and crossed his arms once again, flopping down on the couch.

"Aw c'mon, honey!"

"I want my cookie," was the only answer the vampire got. With that he sighed and went to find his wallet.

"C'mon then. Let's go buy you some cookies," he sighed once again, mumbling "drama queen" under his breath.

"Yay! You're the best!" Chris jumped, removing his piercing and clinging to his boyfriend, who chuckled at Chris' childish attitude.

They stepped out of their apartment to a freezing cold winter day. Chris shivered and pressed himself to his boyfriend, hoping to find a warm body, but was met with a body as cold as the wind was.

"Nate, youre cold!" he whined, clinging to his boyfriend.

Nathan held him close and wrapped his own coat over the taller boy's shoulders. He took Chris' hand and marched towards to the store, a smile on his face.

"So what cookies do you want?" Nathan asked as they reached the little store. Chris shrugged, a childish grin on his face.

"Ooh ooh, baby, can we have ice-cream too?" he asked excitedly as they walked past the dairy products. Nathan chuckled and brought Chris' hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it.

"But we have ice-cream at home," Nathan reasoned. Chris smiled and led his boyfriend to the cookies.

"Ooh ooh let's have chocolate chip cookies!" he jumped up and down saying this.

"Calm down, Chris, you act like a child," Nathan chuckled, making Chris giggle, "Come, let's pay for these. Or do you want anything else?"

Chris shaked his head, "Besides you and the cookies, I don't think I need anything else," he said, taking the little silver piercing from his pocket and throwing it into the white snow as they leave the little store.

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