CH. 7

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I hear my mom banging on my door pleading me to come out and tell her what is wrong.

"Katniss, Please come out.  What happened? Why are you crying?"

I become extremely furious and open the door to see my mom with tears in her eyes and a worried expression on her face. "Why would you care mom? Ever since dad died you never cared about anything until now. You didn't care when Prim got her first boyfriend. You didn't care when Gale almost killed himself. You have been to busy with your job and partying all night. Why would you freaking care now?" I am yelling at her by the last sentence.

"Katniss, I'm sorry, I didn't know. You know I care. You know I love yo-" She starts saying before I cut her off.

"No, mom. I don't know. You never have time for us. You never even notice us. Please just leave me alone." I say crying hysterically.

"Mom, please. Obviously she doesn't want to talk to you. She isn't in the mood. She will come around. Just leave her alone." Prim says in tears. I don't know how long she has been standing there, but I feel bad for yelling at our mother in front of her like that.

Our mom turns around and walks to her room. I run and hug Prim. "I'm so sorry Prim."

"Why are you sorry? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Prim seems more mature then I thought. I'm shocked. Just then there is a knock at the door. I'm guessing it's Peeta.

"I will get it." Prim says.

"No , it's fine. I can get it." I say wiping away my tears and giving her a reasurring smile.

I open the door and see Peeta standing there. He gives me a hug and then gives me a hurt look. "Katniss, why would you do that to me? Why would you kiss Gale right in front of me?"

Oh, no. He saw it. I'm screwed. "Peeta, I would never do that to you. I swear. He is the one who kissed me-" I start to say with tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I saw you kiss him back. Katniss, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I thought that I wasn't the jealous type, but I was wrong. I do really love you. I just can't do this." Peeta says starting to cry and then walks away.

Great. this has been a fan-freaking-tastic day. I don't even walk to my room or shut the front door, I just collaspe on the floor right where I was standing. Prim sees me and gives me a big hug. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"When we went to the hospital.... I talked to Gale... and then he kissed me..... I guess Peeta saw it, but I didn't know..... I ran home..... and then Peeta showed up.... he didn't believe me when I told him I never kissed Gale back..... and then he broke up with me." I say in between sobs.

"Well then he doesn't deserve you, if he doesn't trust you. It's okay Katniss. Everything is going to be okay." Prim says. I slowly fall asleep in her arms.

I wake up in my bed. My mom must have carried me in there. I walk out to the kitchen to get breakfast when I see the time. 7:25. I have to be to school at 7:30. I call for Prim and we both run to school. We make it there with 30 seconds to spare.

I walk into homeroom and she Peeta sitting in the seat next to mine. I feel like crying again but I control myself. I sit down and look straight forward and actually pay attention in class. This is a new concept for me considering I fail almost every class. I now know what we are learning.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder and see a note in front of me. It's from Peeta. I can tell by the handwriting.

P: Hey :)

K: What do you want?

P: I want to say I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday.

K: why didn't you believe me when I told you i didn't kiss him back?

P: idk. I was jealous. I was wondering if you would take me back please?

K: No I can't. I would prefer not to date someone who doesn't trust me and believe me when I say I don't have feelings for another guy.

P: I do believe you Katniss. I'm sorry. my family is going through a hard time. I just found out my dad has to close the bakery. we don't have the money to keep it going anymore. I ws in a bad mood yesterday. I don't know what came over me.

k: I'm sorry peeta but I can't.


sorry short chapter! but I wanted to update ! I was gone all week and wanted to get something up.

thanks for reading. Vote , comment, share!

~jessica <3333

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