CH. 11

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It's been three days since Foxface came back and Gale still hasn't showed up. I decide I am going to go to his house and confront him.

I knock on his door and little posy anwsers it. "Hey Katniss! Are you here to get Prim?" She asks with her cute little toddler voice.

I bend down to her level and say, "Nope, I am here to see Gale." She smiles and yells, "Gale! You have a visitor!" She walks away as he comes to the door.

"Gale! Where have you been?! I have been worried sick about you!" I say giving him a big hug. He push me off of his and I give him a weird look. "What's wrong?"

"Why the hell do you care Katniss? Why don't you run off with your little boyfriend and bake some cookies or something." He says harshly. I am a little hurt by his words. And plus he is pissed. He only calls me Katniss when he is mad at me.

"Gale, you are my bestfriend. I always have cared about you. You know that." I say letting a few tears escape.

"No you didn't. You didn't care the day I almost killed myself. You haven't cared about me since you met baker boy. You have been to oblivious to everyone else to care about anything." He says. I notice a few tears coming down his face. The only time I have seen him cry, was when our fathers died.

"Gale, I'm sorry that you feel that way. I just really like Peeta. He is a nice guy. If you got to know him, I think you would like him. " I say with a slight smile.

"Katniss, I ruined it with him. When I kissed you. I think he hates me. He would never want to get to know me." He says. I understand what he is talking about. If one of Peeta's friends kissed him not once but twice in front of me. I would never want to talk to them.

"Why don't I call him and have him meet me at that new cafe they put in the square, and you can come with me." I suggest. He smiles and gives me a hug.

"I'm glad I got you back Catnip!" He says. I hug him back. I take out my cell phone and dial in Peeta's number.

"Hey Peeta... you wanna meet me at the new cafe?" I say and he says yes. I hang up the phone and smile at Gale.

We walk to the cafe and sit at a table outside and wait for Peeta. When I see him coming I get a big smile on my face. I can't wait for him to get here so I get up and run to him. He can't run very well consdering he has a fake leg. When I reach him I give him a big hug. We actually lose our balance and we fall to the ground. We lay there for a little bit laughing. I think now would be a good time to tell Peeta about Gale being here.

"Hey Peeta?" I say helping him up.

"Yeah? Whats wrong babe?" He asks. Awh. He is to cute.

"Well, I hope you don't mind, but I invited Gale to hang with us." I say looking at my feet.

"Katniss, if you and Gale are talking again than I don't care. I just don't want to see you hurt again." He says, turning my head so I look at him. I smile and give him a kiss. We walk to the table holding hands.

"Hey Gale." Peeta says sitting down next to me.

"Peeta, Listen. I am sorry for what I did. I just was losing my mind." Gale says. I am shocked he even is talking to Peeta.


Sorry short chapter... Writers block sucks! anyways vote, comment, share, fan me! Thanks!

~Jessica <3333

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