The Boy who's Good at (Almost) Everything

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   Sven was lost, confused, he couldn't breathe- he felt like he was drowning. He felt a sharp pain in his side as dolls began to surround him, he can tell they have malicious intent, then he sees a colorful burst.

    "Seye rouy nepo-" he heard the voice as the burst appeared. Sven found himself looking up at the members of the 'Dollhouse' now including Alucard, who wasn't looking at Sven who was disoriented and writhing in pain on the floor.

    "Sv-Sven!!" Lunna exclaimed upon seeing his eyes open.

     "Where am I....?" Sven inquired realizing he was no longer at his grandparents's house.

     "My humble home...." the pleasant boy voice belonging to Alucard stated, as he turned to look at Sven- his eyes shining in the light.

    "Do my grandparents know?" Sven asked, rather panicked.

     "Yes" Lunna replied, "I asked them before I carried you--"

      "Attempted to carry" Rory interrupted.

     "Y-yeah..." Lunna agreed, embarrassed by her nonexistent strength.

      "Heh, well, thank you." Sven chuckled before he said that, he smiling for a bit, as Lunna was being quite adorable, but then he caught a glimpse of Alucard's dark, dull eyes, a shadow covering the upper part of his face, a strange look in his eyes, almost as if Alucard, himself, wasn't there. Sven is scared of Alucard, he has been since he heard rumors about him, and how when he loses his cool, relaxed self, and goes into a fit of rage that 'no one lives to tell the tale' he wondered if Lunna had ever seen him get mad at someone, they're both in the student council as president and secretary, so they spend a lot of time together. Another thing that Sven found unsettling about Alucard was just his overall appearance, not his heterochromia, but his everlasting smile, even in this moment he was smiling , though his eyes didn't agree with the smile, his eyes were empty- Sven was terrified, he stared at the boy until Alucard spoke.

      "Is... there something on my face or?" Alucard questioned upon noticing Sven staring at his face, his smile still intact and his voice just as pleasant, "you're looking at me like you've seen a ghost..!" Alucard chuckled.

       "Ah, I- I-" Sven was panicking, he didn't know what to say, he couldn't tell the truth, "I wa-was admiring your eyes, Alucard, they're really beautiful!!!"

        "Ahh... thank you." Alucard replied, clearly not knowing how to reply as someone clearly has never said that to him. Alucard carefully moved his bangs so they covered his magenta eye, almost fully.

       "He- He's not good at socializing" Lunna said laughing a bit. Alucard turned towards her with a surprised expression in his eyes, but still smiling.

        "Excuse me....~ I at least socialize better than you--" Alucard stated, looking at Lunna, his eyes going back to smiling cheekily.

          "Y-you don't so-socialize at all- I- I- have to force you to-" Lunna smiled pridefully, as Alucard's mouth twisted into more of an oval- surprised face, his eyes widened as well.

         "Socializing is hard. And all people do is ask me for help with everything. I don't like people...." Alucard whined, his face twisting back into his smiling relaxed self, "But you don't get that, you love people..." Lunna hugged Alucard suddenly, as Sven noticed Alucard started twitching ever so slightly.

        "I- I love you more than them!!" Lunna stuttered as she hugged Alucard, "You're my best friend... you've always been there for me." Alucard smiled.

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