The True End

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"Th-that was it, an-any questions?" the bicolor-haired girl called out to the group of children gather around her.

"What became of his friends, Ms. Ebony?" a child asked.

"Th-they're still ar-around, even after three m-millennia, they're im-immortal." Ms. Ebony replied to the child.

"Are you Lunna...?" another child questioned. As Ms. Lunna Anais Ebony-Knox nodded.

"Ye-yes, and I do rem-remember Sven pe-personally..." she said as she closed the book which had been laying on her lap. "St-story time's o-over!" Lunna was the hope of city, the storyteller of the youth, she was to pass on the story of the prophecy- which was completed three millennia ago by Sven- to the youth in hopes that they would be inspired to try to make a change. Lunna had grown, her hair- she now kept in a ponytail- and she no longer binded her chest. She had her own lovely home, which she shared with Alucard. She watched as the last child left with their parent.

"Was that the last one?" the pleasant voice rang.

"Yes, Al-Alucard." Lunna turned to the young man and smiled.

"You enjoy telling them about Sven, don't you?" Alucard smiled as Lunna nodded.

"O-of course! H-he saved us, Al-Alucard-!" Alucard hugged Lunna who was about to cry. Suddenly they heard a ring, their doorbell, someone was at the door.

"I've got it, you stay here, Lunna." Alucard went to the door and opened it allowing the Jayden with shorter hair in.

"You two coming to the wedding, right?~" Jayden asked teasingly.

"O-of course!!" Lunna shouted at him, "W-we'd always b-be there f-for Elisabeth an-and Alexis!!" Alucard nodded in agreement.

"If only I could wed..." Jayden whined.

"Oh shut it, you." Alucard scoffed.

"Oh yeah... there was something strange on your porch." Jayden quietly geustered to the door.

"Sh-show us then!" Lunna grabbed Alucard's hand as Jayden lead them out to the porch, to which there was a bassinet.

"A... baby?" Alucard questioned, as he looked at it. Jayden carefully bent down, moving the blankets to reveal the platinum blonde baby. He picked up the little tag thay was with the child, it had a name.

"The baby's name is Kai." Jayden looked at the two who were just staring.

"H-he's so... c-cute!" Lunna screeched as she grabbed the baby from the bassinet and rocked him carefully.

"Where did he come from?" Alucard inquired, looking at Jayden.

"No idea, but there is a note here." Jayden picked up the note and read it, "Please take care of my son, I cannot for personal reasons, but I was told that Lady Anais Ebony-Knox and Count Aeron-Griffin Sullivan Douglas Tepes Erysichthon were kind, and dealt with children alot, so I decided he's best left with you two."

"Sh-should we t-take him to the wedding?" Lunna asked, holding the small child.

"I'd assume we'd have to." Alucard smiled, "Come on, we should get dressed, we only have a half hour left."

"Agreed." Jayden replied, smiling cheekily.

"Wh-why are you sti-still here?" Lunna inquired to Jayden.

"My dress is here, so, I mean... remember? I left it here on accident."

"Oh truly, stop arguing for one moment and just get ready for the wedding, please." Alucard demanded as he took the child up to his bedroom to dress both himself and the baby.

"F-fine. J-just get dressed down here." Lunna ran up the stairs to her room to dress as well, leaving Jayden in the foyer to change. But the three of them knew, this baby would change their lives forever...

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