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"Michael c'mon, hurry up. I gotta piss." Calum banged on the door a few more times.

"Hang on, Jesus." I looked in the mirror one last time before sighing and unlocking and opening the bathroom door.

"About time." Calum glared and slid past me into the bathroom.

Someone's throwing a little bitch fit.

I sat beside Luke, who was having some conversation about the 1D boys with Ash.

"I like Harry the most, he was real nice, and I thought he was funny." Ashton said.

"PfT, his jokes are terrible! Niall is cool, he seems really chill." Luke replied.

"I don't like any of them." I chimed in.

"You're just a little ray of sunshine aren't you, Mikey?" Ashton giggled.

"If you don't want to go so bad then why don't you just leave." Calum walked in.

"You think I'm that heartless, do you really Calum? As much as you annoy the fuck out of me, and I want to punch you in the face eighty percent of the time I don't because I care about what the fans think," I got up from the couch storming away from the dressing room for the second time tonight.

A few minutes later Luke emerged from the room.

"Dude, Cal is pissed now." He chuckled.

"Good." I said flatly, "'Maybe he'll leave me alone."

"C'mon, he's alright. He just takes a while to get used to." Luke replied, patting me on the shoulder.

"Now lets go, we got a signing to do. "

As we made our way outside the venue and toward the van we saw a fairly large group of fans and decided to stop. After a few minutes of chatting and some hugs & pictures later we got into the van.

"How many fans do you think will actually go to the signing?" Ashton adjusted his bandana as he spoke.

"I don't know, probably a lot considering its only like fifty bucks." Muttered Luke.

The rest of the ride consisted of pointless chatter and mushiness from Calum and Ashton along with gagging noises from Luke & I.

When we arrived there was quite the crowd outside and it was hard to squeeze through with everyone tugging on you and yelling for a picture.

I stopped as much as I could but it started to get out of hand and I could feel myself beginning to shake. Relief washed over as I finally got to the door and got inside.

"Well, that was crazy." Ashton giggled, fixing his bandana again.

The signing went by painfully slow but was actually not bad. I got tons of bracelets, lots of hugs & 'I love you's', the only bad part was my hand cramping from signing so much.

The worse part of the day was getting handed a Mayday Parade bracelet, by a taller brown haired girl with almost the exact same eyes as J.

The girl looked a lot like J, or what I remember of J. Every time Luke or one of the other guys FaceTime her I avoid the room, I wouldn't be able to bear seeing her face.

Sometimes I regret what happened that day, breaking up because of distance. But I know in the end it was probably the right thing. I'm sure she's found another (& better) guy than me by now.


"Syd, hurry up." I groaned as I waited outside the door.

"Okay okay, I'm ready." She finally opened the door, wearing an extremely showy dress.

"We're going for sushi, not the club, jeez Syd." I giggled as she waved her hand at me.

"You're just jealous you don't look this good," she did a fake model pose, making me laugh again uncontrollably.

I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out.

{a/n: italics is Luke, bold it J}



what's up?

about to go out for sushi, you?

gonna do a signing soon, the crowd outside is crazy

I heard you on the radio the other day


slsp is really catchy

yeah, we're coming to cali soon


you should come, i miss you, we all miss you

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I read it over and over. I doubt he means that Michael actually misses me, he probably hooks up with other girls all the time by now. I'm still not sure I'd be able to handle seeing him.

"You okay? You look sad," I felt Sydney touch my shoulder and I nodded slowly.

"Y-yeah. We're almost there right?"

"Yep, one more block."

As we got into the sushi restaurant I waved and smiled at the main chef, as usual. He's really sweet, his name's Blake. His tan skin and dark eyes go really well together and he's quite muscly.

I felt Syd nudge me with her elbow as I waved at him.

"Come on, I came to get myself a guy not get you a guy. He's probably married anyways. " she scoffed.

"He's not that old!" I insisted, "He's maybe his early to mid twenties."

"You're crazy, Jacey. I hope you know that." I flashed a cheesy smile as we sat down at our seats.

"Jacey!" Just as we were walking out I was stopped in my tracks by Blake, his white teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

"That's my name!" I could almost see Syd rolling her eyes as she got into the passenger seat and slammed the door.

"It's nice to see you, you haven't came around much the past couple weeks." He stepped a bit closer.

"Been busy with school, you know how it is." I replied, shuffling my feet slightly.

He's always made me nervous, really nervous. Probably because he's way out of my league. He's kinda like my new "Ashton" crush I had like in high school.

Only thankfully Blake isn't gay, he just went through a breakup recently as well. That's how we began talking I guess.

"So, I have a question for you."

I raised my eyebrows. "I may have am answer."

"I already know the answer. " he smiled, stepping even closer until his face was inches away. "I know you like me, Jacey. A lot of girls do, but you, you're different then all of them."

Cocky, but so far so good.

"Go on a date with me." It was more of a demand than a question.


He leaned in until his lips were right beside my ear, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8." And simply kissed my cheek before smoothly walking over to his red Challenger.

A/N - sooooo this was short but yeah sorry I'm pretty much done with the next chapter, 3 votes nd 3 comments and I'll post it...?

I've never tried doing that so hopefully it works lol ily guys

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