What happened?

948 41 18

Y/n: your name

I felt a cold rush of air go through me.
Shivering, I go forward to snuggle against something.
It's hard... but the figure is warm.
I snuggle closer to the figure. Feeling the heat.
I'm no longer cold.
I feel something stroke my hair. It felt nice.
Slowly I open my eyes. Fearing the figure that I might be snuggling with.
"AHHHHHHHH" I shrieked so loudly that I probably broke some windows.
"AHHH!" Screams the figure falling off of the bed.
Slowly I look over the bed to see who I was snuggling with.
I couldn't freaking believe it.
"Scott?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!"
"Oh god- I. Uh. Sorry y/n!! I fell asleep and-"
A sharp pain went through my head. It hurt like heck.
"Oww" I whimpered.
"Are you ok y/n?" Scott asked coming sitting next to me on the bed.
"My-my head hurts... also nice suit"
Scott smiles proudly "I know right?"
That made you laugh. But laughing made your head worse.
"Damn... what happened?" You questioned while holding back tears because of your head ache.
"Well.. some huge big ass thing attacked the crew in the van. And then it came for you..."
You cut him off saying "How did you know it came for me?" While raising an eyebrow.
Scott backed up a little bit and said "uh... I sorta shrunk and was on your shoulder"
"So you were stalking me too, huh." You said while laughing.
"ANYWAY. Then it attacked you, but I saved your ass, so you owe me."
You chuckled.
"Hank knew I was gonna steal the suit again so he came outside, after I beat the shit out of that thing, and told me to just set you down in the guest room. But I fell asleep too."

'And we cuddled' you thought

You looked down at your clothes. It wasn't what you were wearing before. In fact it was pajamas. How the flip did I get  those on?
Scott noticed you were looking at your clothes so he quickly tried changing the subject before you could ask about it.
'Well... Hank is waiting for us downstairs.. you can come down when your ready" he nervously spoke and went downstairs.
(No he didn't rape the reader😂)

You looked around. The place seemed pretty old but nice.
Your phone was on the other side of the room. You got up  grabbed it and texted in the group chat.


Y/n: guys I got attacked by something...


Tony: who hurt you???

Bruce: what happened?

Y/n: idk.. some sort of huge black figure.

Bucky: next time. I'll kill him.

Steve: we all will.


Y/n: Scott saved me

Tony: If you guys smash on this mission. I'm gonna win the bet.

Y/n: what?

Steve: Me and Tony had a bet. He said you'd smash and forget about him, I said you guys would date.

Bruce: Tony and I*

Steve: shut up.

Natasha : Tony not everyone is like you, where they leave the person after sleeping with them.

Tony: well that was the old me. Pepper and I are together now.

Peter: Mr. Stark.. what about the other girls you were with last week?


Y/n: lmao exposed.

Tony: 😏 what can I say. I'm irresistible

Steve: your just saying that because your embarrassed. I can hear you crying in the next room.


Y/n: I'm still here... but bye guys!

Scientist... They're is downstairs waiting for me!

You quickly went downstairs to see Luis, Dave, Kurt, and Scott talking to each other.
But on the other side of the table you see an old man.
"You must be Hank" you said, trying to be intimidating.
"And you must be Scott's girlfriend" he smirked
Scott blushed and you were startled by that sentence.
"Or thats what I think. Since You guys were sleeping together"
You gulped not knowing what to say.
"Uhhh.. so what happened last night."
"Let me explain" began Hank.

A/N: SORRY THIS WAS SHORT! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! School is stressing me out lmao 😆 ok cya!

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