Uncountable Tears- trailer

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Everything started out Perfect at first, But then it suddenly changes and became my Worst Nightmare.

I remember when I was a child I was so stress free. Even though Dad wasn't home a lot, Mom played the role as both male and female. But I'm already use to dad going and coming, Because he has been sailing before I was ever dream to born. I will always encourage him to find a job closer to home, But he always insist that he's doing it for my brother and I. So that, we can go to school and get a proper education and be successful in Life.

Summer has Ended and It's time for kids to be Back In School which I normally call the "Jail Cell".I wasn't happy that Tomorrow I have to be back in that Jail Cell.

Next Day...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Even though I didn't want to go back to school, One thing I hate was to be late for school. So I immediately get out of my bed and get ready for school. So that, I can leave home on time to catch the bus. I headed downstairs and went straight into the kitchen, and the smell of bacon and eggs filled my lungs. Mom was doing breakfast and my brother James was already at the table.

So, I greeted them with a smile and said "Good Morning". 

My Mom Rosie replied "Good Morning Whitney, Are you ready for school? I packed your lunch already". she handed me my lunch, I kissed her and said "Thanks Mom, but I have to go now before I miss the bus, Love you."  After I said those words I kissed James on his cheeks and headed out of the door.

As I entered the school gate I prayed that time would speed up. So that, I could get out of here soon as possible, the sooner the better.  Everything happened so quickly,  I was so thankful that my wish came through. I was now looking at the clock and it's 2:55, I felt so relieved because I only have 5 more minutes in this dumb English class. I hardly hear a word the teacher said, Because I was too consumed in my own thoughts. Suddenly I heard a  loud noise that woke me out of dreamland, It was the bell. Thank You God!!

As I entered my bedroom, I couldn't take my mind off all the things  that happened to me in school today. Sometimes I worry so much that I cry myself to sleep. I felt so tired, I didn't even bother to change my clothes, I just hopped on my bed with my book bag besides me. As I sat there I continued to think about my day at school.

I had a rough day at school as usual, it wasn't anything different. My classmates always call me unkind names and made fun of me. I even develop an arm scent that was hard to get rid off and that made things worse because everyone would scorn me and start whispering to each other soon as I left the room.

I woke up to the sound of my mother's voice saying " Whitney are you home?".  Before I can answer, My little brother James ran into my room look at me, and stuck his tough out at me. I immediately got up and tried to get him out of my room, But it made no sense he just stood there like statue and didn't even make an effort to leave. hmm, I wish I was an only child sometimes. I just ignore him and called out to mom saying "Yes i'm home".  I then left my room to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and change into some clean clothes.

I was now downstairs sitting on the couch with James who some how wouldn't keep his mouth shut, even though I tried my best to ignore him, I can't even be alone in my room for 15 minutes, and now I can't even watch my favourite show in peace. 

I then decided to go into the kitchen, And get my self something to eat, But to my surprise, My mom had already cook and had the meal set on the table for us. ooh, words can't explain how much i love her. I ran by her side and hugged her so tight, I think she's already sophisticating by now.

She then escape from my hug and called out to my bro saying " Turn off the t.v, It's time for dinner" . James then join us by the table and he sat besides me already going to dig into the food, But mom called out to him saying " Please darling take your time , Or your going to choke ".

Soon as I'm going to join James, and dig into my food, Mom broke the silence AGAIN saying " Wait, we have to bless our meals."  So, I prayed thanking God for the delicious meal, and not forgetting to pray for those who don't have any. We all finish saying "Amen!" and started to devour our meal. But half way in between the meal, Mom spoke up saying "Kids how was school today?" I tensed up in my seat wondering what to say to my mom, I didn't want to lie to her, and didn't want to tell her the truth either.

Luckily, James spoke up first saying "School was awesome today!! I saw some new faces in class today, So I decided to say Hello and then we became friends". he said cheerily. Mom smiled at him and said "Ooh good to know! what about you whit, how was school today?" I hated when mom called me that. I then try to change the subject by correcting mom saying " Mommy please  call me Whitney not WhiT".

But i failed because mom just nod her head at me, And repeated the same question "So how was school today? Well, it leave me no choice.. I have to lie to her, Because if I don't she's going to pry answers out of me if I tell her the truth. I looked up at her, and painted a smile on my face "School was good, I guess" I lied to her. Mom didn't stop there, she wanted to no more. "So what made it good?" She asked.

Please don't tell me this is happening, I need to think of an excuse. "Well, urrmm my friends, ooh yes my friends!! they share jokes whole day, they even made tears come out of my eyes". I said, fake laughing in between.

Mom  just smiled at me. I was so happy that she didn't ask anything else. But I was wrong ,I think too fast. Mom then cleared her throat, And asked " Wait friends?! " She appeared shock for a Minuit then she spoke up again saying "You finally have friends?!?  Don't get me wrong Sweet Heart, I never knew you did.. Because you never mentioned it to me, Never not even Once." I was so embarrassed, Because of the way mom said it, with that tone in her voice.

"Mom I'm not that bad, I do have friends, and not everything I have to mention to you". Mom was taken aback by the last statement I made. "Mom i'm sorry, but I'll prefer if we talk about this another time".  I spoke up quickly again, But this time with a lot of courtesy in my tone, Not wanting to get her mad. She then nod her head  at me, And take the dishes to the counter.

I felt so relieved. I then get up from the table, leaving James alone there galloping all of his drink down at once. I went over to help mom with the dishes. 

Soon after, I was back in my happy place, In my bedroom.



If you like what you see, I continued this story in my other book. Feel free to check it out! That's Whitney->>> In the media section

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