Chapter 11

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   As Dean pulled into his driveway he noticed Benny's old beat up truck just down the street, and the man himself leaning against his front door. Dean gingerly stepped out of his car and limped towards the man. Benny gave him a sympathetic look, opening his mouth to say something reassuring probably, but Dean held up his hand to stop him, shook his head and handed the man his house keys. Benny opened the door and stepped aside for Dean to go in first, neither of them saying anything. Dean bee lined for his room and flopped down on his bed exhausted. Benny strode to his attached bathroom and Dean could hear him turning the handles to his bath, Dean groaned "I've already taken a hot shower, didn't help much".

  " Yeah well, a shower and a bath are pretty different things huh? Also got some Epsom salt here, says it smells like lavender, helps your muscles and relaxes ya." Benny approached Dean during his speech and started to take his boots off, when Benny reached to undo his belt Dean sprang up off the bed, slapping away Benny's hands and backing away from him. Benny held up his hands defensively "Brotha, I should have said what I was doing, I'm sorry. I was just trying to undress you to get you in the bath," he motioned behind him to confirm those were his intentions "you're on edge right now, so I'm going to start talking out every move we make, it's okay, you've done nothing wrong." Benny slowly said reassuringly. 

   Dean regarded him for a few more moments before nodding and stepping around him to walk to the bathroom. Benny came up beside him and in slow measured movements began undressing Dean while narrating every move he made. "Now we're going to get these pants off," he slid Deans pants down his legs and he stepped out of them, "good Dean, now the socks." Dean held up each foot in turn as the fabric was gently slipped off with care. " Alright now we're going to stretch our arms out and take this shirt off," Dean followed his directions. Once he was just standing in his boxers Benny, in an even slower and quieter voice said "And now we are going to take these off," he started to move towards Deans waistband and he flinched away from the man, but then took a deep calming breath and allowed Benny to take his last shred of clothing off. Once Dean was naked, Benny sprinkled in a last little bit of Epsom salt into the now steaming bath water and held his hand out to help Dean into the tub. 

   As Dean slid down into the hot water he let out a sigh and a deep troubled breath he realized he had been holding in for a while. Benny sat down next to the tub on the floor and stared into Deans tired face. "Hard night?" he simply asked. Dean nodded closing his eyes and sinking down farther into the water. "Can I ask you something?" 

   "Sure." Dean replied back groggily already guessing at Benny's question.

   "Why are you doing this? I never got into this whole BDSM scene Mr. Novak seems to love, but if it leaves you looking like this and acting like a wounded animal afterwards...just why?" He asked with concern laced in his voice. Dean sort of smirked to himself knowing eventually the man before him would come to ask him this. 

   "When I was little, my mom died in a fire, some faulty electrical work in the nursery, Sam's nursery. She noticed the smoke coming out of his room when she went to heat him up a bottle, she ran into the flames to save my brother, her nightdress caught fire. By that time my dad and I had woken up from her screams, Dad handed me Sam and screamed at me to leave the house. Our neighbor went in and dragged my dad out, he had to leave mom in there, she was already gone by then, but Dad was trying to get her body out. " Dean cleared his throat and rolled in the bath to lay on his side, Benny's hand coming to his shoulder and massaging the tight muscle there.

   "Well Dad couldn't handle heartbreak all that well, started drinking became completely neglectful of us and mildly abusive. I had to raise Sammy, tried to protect him from Dad, give him some kind of a role model to look up to. I got us out from under him, he didn't notice, had stopped coming to see us or send us money, so I moved us states away from where we last were with Dad and started to build us a new life. Only, being a high school dropout doesn't open that many doors, my uncle Bobby gave me a mechanics job, taught me all he knew; but I was still struggling to provide for Sammy. Through certain circumstances I found this job, afforded me this house, our new life, but now little Sammy is all grown up and already a hell of a better man than I am and he wants to go off to college and become a fancy lawyer, and I am going to get him through it. Even if it kills me." Dean looked up to Benny who had a solemn look on his face, the man motioned for Dean to roll the other way and began massaging his other shoulder. Dean gave a deep sigh and closed his eyes, allowing the quiet southern man to take care of him.

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