fighting all the time :(

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a/n: we are so sorry that there has not been any updates in awhile and we apologize. we hope this chapter makes up for lost time. we hope all the readers like the story. and please vote and comment. we love the feedback. hope s are great.


I glanced at my phone excited to see the text message that awaited me. I knew that it was Ashley when Maroon 5 started singing Payphone. I looked at the message,  Ashley said “I’m coming home tonight….. Want to meet up tomorrow morning at the regular spot?!?!?! J” I probably looked ridiculous with the huge grin I had spread across my face, I glanced to see if Drew had noticed, but he was so drawn into that movie I could have died and he wouldn’t have noticed. I answered “more than happy to J …… how does 10:30 sound?”

I looked up to see that the movie had ended and Drew was putting the DVD back in the case. Scanning my eyes across the room I glanced over to the window and saw my dad’s car pulling up.  Drew kissed my forehead, “I’ll text you later!!” he beamed excitedly.

 “Ok” I replied back. After I made sure he made it through the back door I ran up to my room and laid across my bed waiting for my dad to call me.  The only thing that could be heard was my hard breathing; I glanced to make sure that the door was locked in case my dad went on a rampage…… Again.

“Daniela, get down hear NOW!” I finally heard my dad yell. I pulled myself from my bed, calmed my breathing, and walked to my door. Opening it i walked down the steps. I stood at that last step looking on to the perfect family I wish I was a part of.

 “I’m sorry lea” I paused for a moment to make sure she heard me.

 My dad rudely interrupted me “And for what? Dani!” I walked into the kitchen ignoring my dad, because I had no idea what I was apologizing for.

I opened the door to the fridge and grabbed milk, blueberries, strawberries, and yogurt. Inhaling deeply I caught the scent of his cologne. I turned and was stunned at how close he was to me. I looked into his deep hazel eyes and was amazed at the passion I saw in them.

 “You look gorgeous in this lighting Dani; I don’t know how I haven’t seen it before.” Jayzin said with deep lust in his voice.

 I was completely speechless so I mumbled “I guess”. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks so I glanced away, but Jayzin grabbed my chin stopping me. We stood there for a moment just looking into each other’s eyes. Then he did the unexpected. HE KISSED ME!!!!! Of all people I was kissing Jayzin Rivera. He grabbed my waist and turned so he was pressed against the fridge. I completely forgot that my family was in the other room, my lips moved perfectly with his.  At first I tried to stop, but as my head was screaming this isn’t right, the more my body leaned into it. It felt so…….perfect.

“WTF! DANI STOP KISSING JAYZIN!”  I jumped by the sound of my sister’s voice. I ran around the island putting space between me and my sister. Seeing the rage in Lea’s eyes fear instantaneously showered my body. She stepped towards me and I ran for the steps in the back corner of the kitchen.

I made it up to my room and locked the door. Then the banging and screaming began. I got my breathing under control as she kicked the door repeatedly. I was completely aware that she was going to kill me but that definitely didn’t stop me from opening the door. Maybe if she let me apologize she would forgive me? I mean that’s not likely, I just completely kissed her boyfriend. I opened the door slowly hoping she wouldn’t storm in.

 “Why would you do that to me Dani…. You’re supposed to be my sister, my twin at that? Did you think that I wouldn’t have found out?  Who the fuck do you think you are Dani……. Well are you just going to stand there looking like a retard?” she screamed.  I was so surprised at how she was acting, but I was also completely aware of the fact I just had a make out session with her boyfriend.

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