Mr. Brightside

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Chris was used to Josh's games by now—six months of living together made his roommates mannerisms pretty clear. He stood out on the balcony of their one-bedroom smoking right now. Chris wiped his hands on his sweatpants, folding the omelet he made in the skillet.

The door to the bedroom creaked open, the red-head from last night, Ashley, padding out, wearing Josh's button up.

"Oh, Chris, I—"

"He's outside." Chris pointed to the balcony. "Are you hungry? I was just making breakfast."

"Sure." She sits at the kitchen table, hands curling around Josh's mug of coffee.

"Oh, there are—"

"I like it like this. If he wants a cup, he can get another one." She took a sip before setting the mug down and stretching her arms above her head. "Man, I'm sore."

They always said that. Chris smiled to himself, sliding Josh's omelet onto a clean plate before asking Ashley want she wanted in hers.

This was the game.

Josh and Chris would go to a club or bar together and try to pick up a girl that would be willing to come home with both of them. It was easier than Chris had originally thought it would be. He'd let Josh do most of the talking. He was just along for the ride for the most part.

Ashley had been last night's joyride.

Josh came back into the front room, the smell of smoke wafting in.

"Aww, you make me an omelet, Cochise?" Josh draped his arms around Chris' shoulders.

Chris folded Ashley's omelet and slid it onto a plate for her. "Of course. Take this one to Ashley."

"You got it." Josh winked, scooping up the plates and walking to a table.

The main rule with sharing was that it was just sharing. Nothing was going on between the two of them. However that song went—not gay if it's in a three way.

At least, that's what Josh always said.

Chris sat down at the table, omelet on his own plate.

Ashley stayed for breakfast, finished Josh's cup of coffee, got dressed, and then left.

Josh went out on the balcony for a second cigarette. Chris did the dishes. Usual Saturday morning.


"So, I was thinking tonight we'd try out that club downtown...What is it called?" Josh sighed, leaning back on the couch while Chris channel surfed.


"That's the one." Josh smirked. "What do you say? Wanna pick up a club girl?"

"Last night wasn't enough for you?" Chris settled on Cake Boss before setting the remote down.

"I can go by myself if you don't want to."

Chris felt something in his back tense. He'd never mentioned it to Josh. That was the rule.

"No, I'll come."

"Great, I'm gonna hop in the shower. Pick out something nice for me to wear." He used Chris' knee to help push himself up off the couch before he headed to the bathroom.

Chris' throat felt tight.


Delirium wasn't their usual scene. There were lasers and fog machines and bass pounding behind their ears and in their chests. Chris hated it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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