Chapter 1

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A/N This is my first story.  I welcome recommendations and criticism but if you are here to be a jerk I will delete your comments.  There will be cursing, violence, and sex eventually.  This is not a story for young readers. Be gentle :)

The cover image does not belong to me.  I give full credit to the original designer.  Original image can be found at


The man glared at his wife, disgusted with the quivering mess that trembled on the ground in front of him.  Snapping his fingers he summoned  the guards at the back of the room. 

"Take her to Sarah.  I want a full treatment, she looks fucking horrible.  How am I supposed present her at the meeting tomorrow looking like that?"

Grabbing the woman by each arm the two men dragged her towards the door ignoring the already present bruises and her pain.  What boss wants, boss gets.


When you are running from the devil you spend an awful lot of time thinking about how you got into this position in the first place.  So much time, in fact, that you end up pissing yourself off while flying down city streets and slouching through subway tunnels in an itchy wig and an entirely-too-hot coat.    It's one thing to be wearing this ridiculous getup, but to be unable to stop myself from thinking about him while doing it was intolerable.

"How could you have fallen for that monster!  He was laughing at you from day one Laney, they all were!" Angry and scared I hugged the corner of the platform. Two more minutes and the train would be here. As long as I got on it before Tough Guy figured out where I was I'd be safe for awhile.   I was never allowed to talk to the mammoth sized men who followed me everywhere so I never learned their names. They were absolutely loyal to Daniel anyways so it wouldn't have mattered one way or the other. 

Finally the telltale noise of the approaching train echoed down the tunnel and I inched forwards. Thirty seconds now.  My heart thundered in my chest and my hands trembled, smoothing down my wig as I weaved my way to the front of the crowd watching freedom lumber down the track.  I begged it to hurry, every cell in my body called out to that machine 'hurry, hurry, hurry!', the anxiety pushing up into my throat until I struggled to breathe. 

*Whoosh* The doors opened.  Finally!

 I lunged into the car, shoving past everyone trying to get off and crouched down towards the end, away from the windows, just in case.  After an eternity the crowd settled and the doors shut.  I peeked my head up to glance out of the windows of the car, knowing in my gut that I would see Tough Guy glaring at me from the platform.  Surprisingly there was no one.  No one to bother me anyways, just a few irritated late arrivals, and a kissing couple.


I'm not sure how it happened.  One minute the four of us were minding our own business, walking down the street towards my favorite Italian restaurant.  It had been ages since I'd been in the city and I was dreaming about the sampler platter smothered in alfredo sauce with garlic bread and a bottle of wine.  The next minute I was staring at the back of this short dirty woman that bumped by me in her hurry to get where ever it was she was going.   

People just don't bump into us very often and rightfully so.  Their animal instincts recognize a predator even when their higher brain is busy planning for work or gabbing about the movie they saw last night.  Without realizing it they will cross the street or stop in a store they have no desire to be in just to get out of our path.  It's almost funny to watch them look around wondering why they turned into the tobacco store when they don't smoke.

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