Part 1

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Okay! So this is a short story. And of course this is about May and Drew.

Although I should've wrote this before Christmas started I decided to hold off...since I still have to correct things and stuff.

But let's just hope that I could get it finished before January ends.

This is plot was inspired from a manga I read 3 years ago :) if anyone is interested I'll be happy to dig up the name for you!!!


"Shopping's a pain in the butt!" May scowled as she sat down on a wooden bench near the of a new mall. This time all she had to do is to get a gift for her crush.

Drew Hayden.

The name itself brought back memories. Good ones and bad ones.
Then again, should I really get him something? May pondered, a frown settled on her face.

May loved him ever since they were little. They were childhood friends, she thought that she would only like Drew. But boy was she wrong, she had fallen in love with him. But ever since she accidentally spilled the fact that she liked him in their 2nd year in middle school, things started to change.

"May!" Drew cried as he came over to we're she was standing,"What are you doing here? Its freezing cold!" he said as he gave the blue eyed brunette his jacket.

May pouted,"Brendan confessed his love for me, but I don't like him so I told him that he's just a friend. And then he got really mad and now I'm scared." May confessed.

Drew smiled, "Don't worry! If anyone hurts you, I'll be there and kick their butts!" he boasted and puffed up his chest.

May looked up and smiled gently before she said,"That's why I like you, Drew."

Drew looked shocked,"W-wha?"

May gasped,"N-nothing!" Before she ran away leaving a confused Drew.


The next day, Drew found May near a pond playing with the water. "May!" he called, and that got her attention.

"Yeah? What's up?" May asked in a calm tone.

"So," he started and putted his hands into his pockets,"What did you mean by, That's why you like me?"

"Like a friend," May lied,"Why would I like like someone so short and not athletic not to mention the fact that your grades were below average."

May soon regretted what she said,"I-I didn't-"

"Whatever," was all he said before running away. That hurt, he thought as he punched the wall of his room, that really hurt, May.

Why would you even say that?

"What did I just do?" May asked herself as a few tears started to leak out of her eyes.

"Why did I have to say that?"


Every since that day they became farther apart then they had ever been.

And May's heart soon were filled with cracks.

He left her.

While Drew on the other hand, started to join the basketball club.

He grew a head taller than May at the start of high school. And this is where they forever separate. Their paths had not collide ever since then.

Drew started to get straight A's and honor rolls. He attended AP classes and earned himself the reputation of the popular kids.

Drew didn't hang out with May anymore, due to his schedule being too full.

And then May became too invisible for him to see.

She was like a shadow compared to him. And he was the light.

I thought he was my light in the shining armor. But turns out, he became my worst nightmare.


"The game's 43 to 89. Rosales High wins the 2014 WINTER CUP." The speaker announced.

The crowd around me started to roar.

I could see his face. He was wearing one of his victory smirks.

One of his most famous ones, too.

He then looked my way and our eyes met. The same feeling of electricity bounding us together is in the room.

I looked away quickly when one of my best friends Dawn tapped me on my shoulder.

"What is it, Dawn?" I asked and tucked a loose strand of my chestnut brown hair behind my ear.

"Drew's so perfect don't cha think?" She says dreamily,"Though I'm not interested in him." She giggles,"I'm interested in his friends."

"Say...can you introduce me to him?"

I raised an eyebrow as if asking, why?

Dawn rolled her eyes,"Because I want a date with his hot guy friends!"

I inwardly rolled my blue orbs as she tugged me towards Drew.

She smiled at him,"Hi...I'm Dawn." And then she stretched out a hand for a handshake.

He smirked,"Hello Dawn. And hi to you to May." He glanced at me when he said my name.

I mumbled a quiet hi to him before standing off to the side. Allowing them to continue their small talk.

Dawn giggled nervously before asking him,"Can you introduce me and May to your friends?"

I think that it was my eyes that are tricking me but I swear I saw a unidentified emotion in Drew's eyes. But as fast as it came it went away leaving a dull and bored expression on his face.

"Sorry but they're a bit busy currently." He said with a emotionless tone, he then glared at me a bit before walking away.

"What was that about?!" I cried once he was out of sight,"Son of a bi-"

"Calm down!" Dawn screamed,"I think he was jelly."

I turned towards her,"Jelly?" I asked with a titled head. She nodded,"Yes. Jelly as in Jealous."

May shook her head and laughed bitterly,"No way. He's not jealous of me. After all he can replace me anytime he want."

With that said May snuggled deeper into her coat before leaving Dawn.

"Oi! May! Don't forget about the party! You promised me that you would come!" Dawn shouted. "I won't." May cried back before disappearing out of sight.

Dawn sighed,"Just how dense can this girl be?"

"May. What you did was an accident. Can't you see that he's trying to be your dream guy? You can be so oblivious in the most important times." Dawn muttered to herself.


What do you think? I guess I like it so far? Idk...

Anyway...MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ❄️⛄️❄️🎅🎄🎅🎄🎁

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