the accident.

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My mother and I had always been very close... While I hadn't even talked to my father in years. But I was happy. We had a small house. And had enough money to get by. I had all my basic essentials and everything. I had a phone, a car, clothes, food, a roof over my head. I didn't really need anything else. My mom worked mornings which when I was in school. So it worked out. Until one Friday night anyways..... My mother had asked me if I wanted to go out to eat with her, I agreed, and got up to put on my nice jeans. We got in the car and started making small talk I told her about school and such. And in the middle of that, a drunk driver collided with the drivers side of our car. My mom died instantly... I on the other hand only got a few cute from the glass... The EMTs arrived and got my to the hospital. They called my father who was still one if my emergency contacts.... He drive 10 hours to get to me. I slept for a while. And when I awoke I pretended to be asleep. I knew what had happened, but didn't want to face it just yet. My father arrived and I could hear him talking to the doctors. The doctors said I was fine, just a little sleepy. They discharged me in the morning. I still hadn't said a single word. He took me out to eat for breakfast about 2 hours into the long car trip. We ate, then took off again.... When we had finally arrived I slept for 3 days straight. My father was so worried he called the hospital.... They said it was normal. Apparently I was in shock..... I eventually had to get up. And once I did. I'm so glad I didn't go back to sleep like I wanted to...

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