King Tuck

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We open on a student council election sign at Casper high.

Tucker: If elected I promise to- (standing on a table with a vote for him poster behind him Danny and Sam are wearing hats and are trying to pass out flyers for him but people just walk by) (sigh) How can I run a campaign if no one listens to me?

Sam: What was that did you say something?

Tucker: Ugh.

Danny: She's just joking anyways it's not that your campaign is bad it's just that people don't like your brand. You know goth, techno geek, can attack you with robotic spider army. And not to mention how your campaign says victory thru technology and the triumph of machine over man. It's a little scary.

Sam: So we changed your campaign platform.

Tucker: Graffiti art classes, raids against PTA meeting, goth Friday. Ok I actually like that one.

Danny: I figured if you don't like all the stuff you might like that one.

Tucker: Yeah but I want my voice heard not yours.

Danny: Ok we will write your voice. (Danny and Sam walk off.

Tucker: Now how do I come more approachable so people will listen.

Dash: (on his campaign stage) Hey everyone gather round or the football team will pound ya. The theme of my campaign is who cares what Foley has to say. (Pulls out and rips a picture of Tucker.)

The crowd is silent until dash punches his hands and they cheer for him. All of a sudden something licked Tucker. Cut to Sam and Danny working on Tucker's campaign.

Tucker: (walks up to them) Sam listen-

Sam: Tucker we're a little busy writing your voice. Now Danny would Tucker say it like that? (Hands him a paper)

Tucker: But-

Danny: Ok everything is correct except I know he would say something about me being the Astro-Baby but don't put that.

Sam's ghost sense goes off and we see a giant lizard ghost. Sam hides behind a tree and the ghost swings his tail and she and the tree fly off.  Danny and Tucker run from the ghost and hide where Sam was.

Danny: So big lizard what other unknown things are coming.

Tucker: Unknown? I saw it before I got to you guys.

Sam: Why didn't you say something?

Tucker gets an angry look

Theme song

Cut to King Duul Aman museum

Lancer: The treasure of the pharaoh Dull Aman which you see before you date back to over 4000 years.

Tucker: Well this is duel in itself.

Dash: Well the museum may be duel but at least it's Aman.

No one laughs until Dash punches his hand. This causes Tucker to become upset.

Danny: The way I see it Tucker needs to win over the jocks vote from Dash.

Sam: Right. While not alienating his social misfits slash geek bate.

Tucker: Here's an idea how about you let me make my own decisions and listen to me when I talk to you. (Sam and Danny gasp and walk towards something) Oh really you're not even gonna look at me.

Danny: We sorta are.

Tucker gaap

Lancer: Behold king Duul Aman. (Shows a picture of him and it looks just like Tucker)

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