Nice Afternoon

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The day ended. Unforntually I didnt have a room yet so me and the puppy slept in a Hotel. The boys wanted to give me privacy or I guess "Space" because I was a young girl.

"Hehe, You are just so adorable arent you?!" I said while Poking the puppys nose.
"Wait?! Why is this happening to me? Do they really care about me??! Why Out of all the other children in the adoption center was I picked??!"
Those thoughts were stuck In my head for 5 minutes,  But I knew the rest of the afternoon I had with them was the best.
"Haha I forgot to name you!~ I'll call you Bubbles. I hope brother Hoseok likes it! Goodnight little pup!~"

It was the next day it was already 6:24 a.m. I didnt have a clock so it was weird that I woke up this early. I guess it was probably because at the orphanage we had to wake up at 5 a.m. to clean so I basically was used to waking up early.

I got dressed quickly, and I walked to the Hotel room they were all sleeping together.
"Hmm they are still asleep? Jeez I'm hungry and tired from yesterday."
I went downstairs to the Café To order Some muffins and hot chocolate.

"Hello good morning I'll like Two Big blue berry Muffins and A small hot chocolate~" I said as I was leaning on the front desk.

"Ok that would be $3.58." Said the cashier

"Uh...erm charge it for hotel Uh...#265. Thank you!~"

At last I finally got my breakfast, the only thing I was worried about was the money that one of My 'Big brothers' had to pay. I mean it didnt matter that much but my food did.

-Jungkook P/O
I was the first one to wake up, the rest were still sleeping on the floor while Jimin and I slept on the two beds.

"Yah~ wake up!" I said as I was leaning down towards Hoseok who was sleeping on the ground.
"5.....5 more m-minutes" Hoseok said while waving his right hand out.

"Ughhhhh....Fine..." Just then I heard the phone ring.

"H-hello" trying not to sound tired.

"Room #265: Charge: $3.58. Please pay by 7 pm today."

"What?? Who ordered food?? JIMIN-SSI! WAKE UP!"  I got up and changed.
  I walked out to go check on Min-seo, but she wasn't in her bed only the dog who was barking at me. I backed away and closed the door behind me.
"That little brat..!"

-Normal P/O
I ate my last Blue Berry muffin and drank my hot chocolate.
"Wowzers Im stuffed. That was a nice breakfast! Hehe" I rubbed my stomach as it was hurting a lot. I suddenly Felt two cold hands on my shoulders. I jumped and turned around to see Jungkook behind me.

"Ha...ha H-hey..." I waved and scratched my neck.

"You know? If you are hungry you could've told us?!"

Jungkook and I went to a restaurant Where they served very nice food. Both I and him got seated and waited for our order.
"Hey! Wouldn't the others get scared if they didn't see us at the hotel?! I said as I slammed my hand on the table.

"Nah, they wouldnt care right?!" Jungkook said As he was looking over the Menu.

"GUYS WHERE IS JUNGKOOK AND MIN-SEO??!!!" Seokjin said as he was walking back and fourth waking up the others.

Once we finished Our breakfast, Jungkook took me to buy food for my puppy and then took me back to school shopping.

"This is cute isn't?" Jungkook said as he had his hands in his pockets.

"ITS SO PRETTY~ These pastels are very nice! May I get it Oppa~" I gasped and then covered my mouth.

"Uhhhh...Im so sorry I shouldn't call you that~ I WASN'T TRYING TO FLIRT OK!"
I said as I turned away from Jungkook.

"Hehe its fine...its just I don't like being called oppa. And I know you weren't flirting because you are my Younger sister." He said as he had his right hand in his pocket and scratching his neck with the left.

   Just then I heard A person call out Jungkooks name and mines.

"Here you guys are.....!!" 

Hope you enjoyed! I worked on this chapter since the time I woke up. I shouldnt over work myself but I like you guys reading this! Also if you havent read the "Authors Note" chapter please do! Most of the information is there so you guys can understand why I starting to update Slowly! Bye bye!!💞

Adopted By BTS~! (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now