your here~

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"Hi I'm Seoul police, I would like to come in and inspect. Some people have been hearing loud screams coming from a child in this house."

"U-uh s-sure come in."


I overheard their conversation I went a little closer to where the police was so he could find me easier. I sat besides the door crying and bleeding.

  I heard footsteps coming closer.

Police: "U-uh I think I might need backup."

   "Please help me...please I want to go back to them."

   The police officer bent down to my level and Looked at me.

"Don't worry, 'They' called to figure out where you were. They were worried."  As he said that I smiled, but as soon as I did I heard yelling.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" I heard handcuffs dangling, screams and demands from the police.

  As I heard all that I heard more footsteps coming from the door. It sounded like they were running, to the direction I was.

"MIN-SEO!" Taehyung Scream as he started to cry looking at me.

"Who did this?! That crazy lady!!?" Hoseok said as he sat besides me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't loud enough....I was screaming Yoongi's name until I fell Unconscious."
    They all pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. I winced because the pain in my hands and arms were to delicate to handle the pain.

"OW! Pl-please....That hurts!"

Police: "The injuries don't seem bad they look very minor but even so we have to take her to the hospital so the doctor can inspect her body."


-After the hospital-



"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing ok."


We headed back to South Korea where Namjoon bought a house for all of us. I was excited to see the house.

They didn't yet notice that I was soon to be turning 13. In two days.


-South Korea-

As we arrived to the dorms, I was waiting to see Bubbles. Bubbles ran up to me and landed on my Hands.


I didn't notice but Hoseok pushed me aside And I fell on the floor. Bubbles in the other hand jumped right out of My Hands and landed on his paws.

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" I scream with a wince in my face. I stood up and smacked Hoseok.

"Hahah! You are being a bit bratty don't you think Mini~"

"Yeah right."  I giggled and proceeded to walk to a nearby Bench.


The boys were sleeping. They got tired from all the work and effort they put at the Concert. They were sleeping in the studio room where they will usually practice Their dances.

I sat up and looked at them. I sighed at the taught of the scars on my wrist.

"I look like I commited self harm..." I cried from the traumatizing experience I had. I heard someone move and then Yoongi Raised his head up as well as Taehyung.

"M-Min-S-seo, whats wrong"
Yoongi asked as he was half Asleep.

"I uh...Its..."

"Come here Yoongi and I, will hug you" Taehyung Gestured me towards Yoongi and him. I walked to them and lay on the warm floor.

Taehyung Wrapped me around his arms. He pulled me close to his chest and shushed me.
   Yoongi seemed to try to do the same. As he was Half asleep he fought Taehyung, trying to take me away from him. At the end they both ended up hugging me and I was squished between both their chests. I could barley breath but I felt comfort between them. I smiled and headed to bed.


7:32 A.M


I heard laughs from several others. I felt a warm chest besides me and a heavy arm around me.

"Yoongi is hugging Min-Seo and drooling on her!"

I groaned and raised my head to look at Yoongi Drooling.

"EEK!" I pushed away from Yoongi who woke up from my scream.

"W-WHATS WRONG!?" He said slurping his saliva as he woke up confused.

You guys are super nice to read my story. I mean I really thank you all and I hope you guys have a good rest of your day~ Thank you so much for reading!✨
(I made this and posted it on my last chapter update I deleted, but here it is again for anyone who didn't see it ^ ^)

 I mean I really thank you all and I hope you guys have a good rest of your day~ Thank you so much for reading!✨(I made this and posted it on my last chapter update I deleted, but here it is again for anyone who didn't see it ^ ^)

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