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    The seven were getting their make up done and putting on their Outfits.
  I walked to them as I did aegyo.

"Yah Min-seo stop thats embarrassing" Yoongi said as he looked at me with a cold stare.

"Youre no fun Yoongi" I "hmph" at him and walked towards Jungkook. I didn't realize there was a cords on the ground so I tripped and feel on my chin.

"Aaaahhh!! Owww!" I cried

   Jungkook came running towards me as he had his barber cape.
  He sat me up as he kneeled down, inspecting my chin making sure I  wasn't bleeding.

"Ah! You only have a little scrape. Please be careful and watch where your going Min~" he said as he smiled.

  I quickly got up and Jungkook went back to getting his haired re touched quickly.



I heard screaming from the room I was in. The people scream my brothers name and I knew there was already fans outside waiting for them.

"Namjoon? Why wont you guys go greet them??!" I said as I tugged on Namjoons sleeve.

"Aha Well you see we have to get ready first so they can see us perform well!~" He chuckled and walked away.

  I sat on a nearby bench next to a staff memeber who was fixing her camera .

"So are they really this big??..."

"What do you mean big?"

"Like uh...Famous?"

"Of course! Just look at them! They are handsome and talented in many different kinds of ways! Thats why their fans love and support them~ I could be wrong though!"
The woman Smiled and got up to get back to work. I waved to her and as I saw her leaving I was alone in the room.

"*sigh* I dont know if any of the people I know will find out I'm with Idols."
I Sat up and read my book ready to hear them sing.


I felt Four hands poking my face a book was on my face and I was laying down on the floor.

"Ah! Min-Seo! You went to sleep~ How can you sleep with all that noise outside? You are a heavy sleeper!" Jin laughed as he squished my face.

"*Yawn* I'm sorry...WAIT?! Are you guys finished performing??"

"Of course not we still need one more song~ And we need you!" Jungkook said as he went straight up to my face.

"M-me??? Uh...B-b-"

I staff memeber came in, and told them that they were ready to perform their last song.

"C'mon lets go!" Jungkook grabbed my hand and We all walked to the stage. I was left behind and They told me to wait for a while until I heard my name.

As the last song finished I waited patiently to hear my name.
    I suddenly heard someone scream "Min-Seo" I walked onto the stage and covered my face with my sleeve.

"Ok ARMY! Welcome a new Family memeber of BTS~ This is Min-Seo~"

I heard girls screaming and aw-ing. I walked towards Hoseok,
  I hid behind him and peeked a little to take a look at the crowd. I saw someone I recognized. I recognized this woman insanely well.
   My eyes wided and I ran away backstage. The 7 looked confused and started apologizing and Some ran towards me.
      I ran towards a closet and hid covering my self with a blanket left in there.
"Oh....No... I didn't know she was here...I didnt know her daughter was a fan....I need to hide..I dont want to go back..."

AAAHH! 1.03K READS???!! You guys are amazing! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Sorry for the short chapter again! Please forgive me! My friend and I have a lot of ideas for the story so stay tuned everyone! I love you guys!💞😘🌠

03K READS???!! You guys are amazing! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Sorry for the short chapter again! Please forgive me! My friend and I have a lot of ideas for the story so stay tuned everyone! I love you guys!💞😘🌠

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