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Amber's slumber party was in full swing. All 7 16 year old girls were in their bras and panties, and were lying on the floor all sweaty and breathing heavily after a hardcore pillow fight. One particularly busty girl, Tammy, decided she needed to go to the bathroom and freshen up. She walked across the upstairs landing, and as she was walking down the corridor that lead to the bathroom she could hear shouting coming from one of the rooms. She stopped outside the room and pressed her ear against the door.

'DIE ZOMBIE DIE!! YES!! Good work, Batman307, excellent use of the Laser Gun 2007.'

Tammy opened the door and walked into a dark room which was lit only by the glare of a computer screen. A teenage boy was sat facing the screen with his back to the door.

'You must be Amber's brother, TJ, right?' said Tammy.

TJ turned around on his swivel chair to reveal the speckled face of a 15 year old boy, complete with braces and spectacles with thick black frames. His hair was dark and greasy. Tammy felt strangely turned on; perhaps because she was sweaty and half naked, and here was a male of suitable age just waiting to crawl into her grasp.

'That's right,' he said, 'are you lost? The bathroom is the third door on the right.'

'Oh, no, I'm definitely not lost,' replied Tammy, 'cool game. Want me to show you my favourite game?'

'Is it Halo? That's everyone's favourite game. I have all the additions of Halo but quite frankly I prefer The Last Of Us because of the realistic zombie features. I am an expert in this game, if a real zombie apocalypse happened I know I'd be a survivor. Or is your favourite game COD? Or GTA? Or-'

'No.' Tammy quickly cut him off. The nerd talk was getting her quite worked up. 'My favourite game is the game of Love.'

She slowly walked towards him, and when she was stood right in front of him she wrapped both her legs around his thighs and straddled him, pushing her DD cups into his bespectacled face.

'Actually,' he said, a little shakily, 'I was just about to start level 50. If I complete this level I can-'

'Shhhhh,' Tammy removed his glasses.

'Actually, I need those to- can I just- um-' Tammy had started moaning and rubbing herself. It was not long before she had removed her bra and his shirt.

'Yes that's all very nice but actually there are some breasts- I mean- er zombies- that need- nipples.' TJ was finding it hard to concentrate on his game now.

Within the next minute, both teenagers were completely naked.

'You know,' stammered TJ, 'it's very hard to wash this chair. It's got a suede cushion and really you can only clean it with special chemicals. It would be best for me to remove my naked bottom from the- oooooohh!' He suddenly felt his male organ become very warm. He looked down and noticed that he was now inside Tammy, and she was thrusting down on top of him. He tried his best to ignore it.

'Okay, you do whatever you have to do and I'll just continue to play my zombie game. DIE ZOMBIE DIE!!! YES!!!'

'YES!!! MORE!!!' cried Tammy.

'Er- really?' TJ was a little puzzled. His sister always told him that no girls would fancy him if all he ever did was talk about zombies.

'Yes!!! Say my name!!'

'Okay - er - sorry, I don't actually know your name.'


'Right - Tammy-'

'OH YES! For some reason this seemed to send Tammy into oblivion, and with one last moan she collapsed forwards onto his chest and lay still, breathing very heavily.

After she had got enough breath to speak, she asked bluntly, 'Did you come?'

TJ looked thoughtful for a second. 'Umm, I don't really know. I don't think so.'

Tammy sighed, 'Oh no, was it not good enough for you?'

'Well,' stammered TJ, 'it was... Satisfactory. I'd say about 88.3% satisfaction rate, providing other men have felt similar to me. Top grade for effort though, and excellent motion. You kept a steady beat.'

Tammy sighed and giggled a little. She put her underwear back on, and with that, she was gone. TJ was left sitting naked in his swivel chair, not completely sure as to what had just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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