Which Will it be Sherlock?

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SO hello guys! I’ve noticed this isn’t getting many views and I was thinking of bringing this to an end soon. Maybe have 3 or 4 more chapters as a maximum – I would like to ask though if you’re reading this and enjoy it could you possibly leave a rate and comment so I know that these are still being read? Apologies just I would rather continue these knowing that people actually like it than not continue it and move to my Tumblr oneshots account when people were actually enjoying this! Anyway enjoy!!!


Sherlock and Jennifer had made it home early that night, his arm wrapped around hers in a rather gentlemanly fashion. Guiding her into the house he waited till they were out of sight and until the door gently shut behind them before he pulled the girl close to him once more. His arms wrapped around her waist, his hands landing on the small of her back as to not come off as perverse, he was still a gentleman after all and he would treat the woman he loved with dignity as she was a lady. Her hands landed on his strong shoulders gently as the space between them closed further until their lips were less than a centimetre away.

“May I?” Sherlock asked in a huskier voice than usual, his warm breath against the girl’s lips as her cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson before she nods.

“But of course...”

With that the space between the duo had disappeared, the passion of the kiss distracting both parties from anything and everything that dared to try and tear them both out of their daze. Sherlock’s grip tightened around Jennifer’s waist as one of her hands slid up into his luscious black curls before tugging on it gently eliciting a gruff groan to escape the older man’s lips. Without another word Sherlock had scooped the girl up in his arms and began to carry her up 221Bs narrow staircase. She let out a few surprised and embarrassed giggles.

“Sherlock I can walk myself!” Another giggle escaping the girls lips as he smiled gently down at her.

“I know, a princess shouldn’t have to walk though should she?”

The comment caused the gentle pink blush on her cheeks to redden deeper, with a few swift movements they had gotten up the stairs, Sherlock throwing her onto the bed eliciting even more giggles to erupt from her frame. Slowly he stripped himself of his top layers of clothing, throwing the girl a seductive wink before crawling slowly onto the bed, their lips meeting once more with enough fierce passion to put most couples to shame.


The yellow rays shone through Sherlock’s blinds, gently caressing Jennifer’s face with warmth that brought her out of her lovely dreams of the night before. Upon waking up the girl noticed that she was alone in the bed, he must’ve been called on a job by Lestrade or something, a few seconds later and she gasped. Jennifer quickly made her way to the mirror in the bathroom checking how she looked, secretly envying the way girls in movies could look so perfect upon waking up.

Thank God today she looked at least half decent, her makeup wasn’t smudged too much. Wiping  her lipstick off and fixing her eye shadow only took a few minutes to achieve. Her hair was quite messy though she only needed to brush a comb through it which was exactly what she did. Slowly stroking the comb through her hair Jennifer hummed a gentle melody to herself, one that she remembered Sherlock playing on his violin a few weeks prior.

It was Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 in A and 2nd movement if she recalled correctly, once she had finished combing her hair into gentle waving locks of her dark hair she returned to Sherlock’s room deciding she may just read a book before he came back. The day proceeded simply enough, she texted Sherlock for a little while as she read “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” for the 5th time, boy she loved the books.


“Hello Sherlock, what time will you be back?” – JW

“Good afternoon gorgeous, I should be returning home in an hour or so I’m just working a case.” – SH

“I hope the case goes well! Would you like to go out for Dinner tonight? Mcspeedy’s maybe? I could give you a hand with the case.” – JW

“That would be brilliant, see you soon.” – SH

“I love you Sherlock.” – JW

“I love you to John.” – SH

Without realizing Sherlock had slipped up awfully, the initials were the same and the case made his mind slip in and out of focus when it came to telling Lestrade what to text back for him. God Damn it Lestrade it was his entire fault he should have known what Sherlock meant!


“God Damn it Lestrade you should have known what I meant!!!”

“Well maybe you should text her- where are you going?”

Sherlock had grabbed his coat, putting it back on again before snatching his phone out of Lestrade’s hands and making his way to the door quickly.

“Where the bloody hell do you think I’m going?”

“Wait Sherlock has feelings?” Lestrade smirked as he raised an eyebrow to the detective before having the door slammed in his face.


Running through the door Sherlock was worried beyond all belief, he hadn’t gotten any texts back from Jennifer nor was she picking up the phone to any of his many calls.


Silence, Sherlock ran up the stairs nearly slamming open most doors. He knew her mental health wasn’t exactly stable and he didn’t want to contribute to that whatsoever.

“Jennifer! Please listen! I’m sorry it was a complete mistake! You must understand your initials!”



With the last swing of the door his yells silenced by the sight before him on his and Jennifer’s bed, the sheets were blood soaked, her necklace left on the pillow in the blood broken. A note was left alone.

Once the shock and horror washed over the man he quickly swallowed his fear and walked over, picking up the note.

“Let’s play another game Sherlock, I do know just how much you enjoy playing those... let’s see I have something you want and well... you have nothing I want. Well maybe you do, maybe you have your job, I’d rather like you to give that up it would make my life much easier. So what do you say Sherlock? Which is more important? Your job or your... pathetic little girlfriend?- JM”

Speechless Sherlock glanced around the room seeing her phone, the only other remaining part of her besides the necklace which was left behind in her room. The screen lit with the last text she was about to send the man.

“Y-You love who.....?”


Okay please don’t kill me guys I NEEDED DRAMA AND HERES THE DRAMA I swear I will make it up to you! Hope you guys enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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