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(Craig's POV)

  It's three o'clock, detention has now started. In total there are eight of us. Me, Chris, Tamara, Jaida, a girl named Jasmine, Alicia from my zumba class, Domo kid and Jacob. Roc and Tamara are now arguing over non sense and honestly I'm tired of it. I get up and walk over to Jasmine, she's scrolling through her ipod with her headphones on lost in her own little world. I take a seat on her desk and she very slowly looks up at me.

 "Can i help you?" She asks with a flat tone. Her wide brown eyes staring deep into my soul.

 "Chill, i just came over to see what's up. We have an hour in this room so i thought i might come over and past the time." I say giving her a smile. Her face remains expressionless as she stares at me. I've noticed Jasmine around here but we've never talked because she keeps to herself. Not only does she have a nice ass, but she has a pretty face too and she carries her self in a mysterious manner that interest me.

 "You do realize there are a bunch of other people in here to socialize with, right? Cause honestly I'm not in the mood." Jasmine says.

 I lean towards her. "But you're the one that caught my attention."

 That wakes her up, she slowly takes her headphones off and lets them hangs around her neck. She titls her head to the side and looks up at me like she's trying to figure something out. "Cant you take a hint? I'm not interested, mohawk." Jasmine says very bluntly.

 "Mohawk?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

 She nods. "Yeah, I don't know your name and I dont care enough to learn it."

 I give an amused laugh at how bold she was. I like girls who can stand up for them selves and Jasmine and doing exactly that. "I'm Craig, you're in my literature class. You sit in the back near the window."

 "That's so fascinating, Craig. Tell me more." Sarcasm drips from her voice and domo kid lets out a soft chuckle. I turn my head towards him as his smile slowly fades.

 "What are you laughing about?" I ask him.

 "Your thirst," He replies. Instantly a burst of laughter fills the room as the girls cover their mouths in shock. Tamara and Jaida are cracking up and Jasmine has an amused smile on her face.

 I get up and walk over to domo kid, he looks up at me with a blank expression. "You think you're big now cause you survived your first fight?"

 "Craig i dont want any trouble, ok?" He says, raising his hands like he's surrendering.

 "I don't want to hear that shit. You're gonna get it now, fag." I say grabbing at his shirt and hoisting him a few inches out his seat.

 His expression hardens and he clenches his feet. "My name is Ray you bootleg Chris Brown."

 "Oh damn," Tamara mutters under her breath.

 That pisses me off to the extreme, I pull my arm back so I can knock him unconcious but a feminine hand grabsmy wrist. I turn to see that girl Autumn holding on to me. Our principal put her in charge while he left for a meeting, so now she thinks she's better than the rest of us.

 "Unless you want to get suspended for fighting twice in one day, i suggest you regain your common sense and let him go." She says with narrowed eyes.

 "You're not the boss of me." I say pulling a childish move.

 "Technically, I am." Autumn says with a hard tone. We have a stare down until i give up and let Domo kid go. I face Autumn fully, staring down at her. She came up to basically my chin and had to look up at me. "I just saved your ass from suspension, thank me later." She says turning away on her heel and going back to the teachers desk next to  her friend Serena.

 Jasmine smirks at me. "Real macho Craig, I'm so impressed." She says rolling her eyes and putting her headphones back on. I clench my teeth and plop down next to Chris.

 "What in the world was all that?" Alicia asks.

 "They're mad because Ray and Jacob kicked their asses in the lunch room." Tamara says.

 I exchange a look with Chris. "No they didn't, no one even won that fight. But you can believe we'll win the next one."

 "There's not gonna be a next one." Jaida says. "Why don't you guys just leave Jacob alone?"

 I turn to her with an sly smile. "Aw, you mad cause you're boyfriend is a wimp?"

 "He's not my boyfriend!" She hisses at me in a low voice.

 I nod. "Uh huh, what ever you say." She punches me on my arm hard and i stick my tongue out at her.

Before we know it the hour was over and its time to leave. We gathere up our stuff and head to the door. Jacob is the first one out the door, walking fast with his head down.

 "I think we scarred him for life." Chris says laughing.

 "You guys are so wrong." Alicia says shaking her head. I shrug and hoist my bookbag higher on my back as we get outside. The sun blinds us and we squint through the harsh rays.

 "Do i get the pleasure of walking you home?" Chris asks Tamara, slinging an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close.

 She gives him the death glare and wiggles out of his grasp. "Boy, don't even go there."

 Jaida laughs and waves goodbye to us as we head in different directions. "Damn bro, shot down again." I say to Chris.

 "You know I'm just playing with her Craig. Besides, you shouldn't be talking after you failure with Jasmine." He says giving me a cocky look.

 I push him into a tree and run as he tries to catch up. I may have struck out with Jasmine today but at least i grabbed her attention. It won't be long till i have her in my arms.

Sorry for errors XD

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