Foolish one

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Build up the mountain to fall and break

A fatuous idea if there was one at all

And yet many mountains fall

They build themselves upon rivers and streams

Which very nature reverts the plans for progress

Why? it because it wishes to be seen

Therefore it causes its own destruction

Foolish mountain

Or are we the foolish ones

Do we fall under the shame of the seas

Who's inability to wait cause it to be a faulty pleasure

But still we bath her with our man made concoctions

And unearth the giants mighty soul

So that we can have the keys for world domination

In the end we become like the mountain

Building our lives on a crumbling shell of a surface

Screaming "here, see us!" As we rise higher and higher

Indeed.... wisdom is proved rightous by its works

Rambles of an average,odd personWhere stories live. Discover now