"y-you, what!?"

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*Virgil's P.O.V*

I awoke to the sound of soft snoring, looking to my side I saw the most beautiful sight ever.

There laying next to me, was Roman creativity Sanders. I love him so much, but as much as I'd like to ACTUALLY have a healthy relationship with him I can't

You see I'm so called 'corrupted' or as the others call it I'm 'the mistake' they said they've learn to except me but I call bullshit on that, like legit? They think that getting me to open up a bit makes me trust them!? Psshh- that hilarious.

I slowly sit up -in fear of waking sleeping beauty- I quietly walked to the door and whispered "I'm sorry, I can't love you...but somehow I do.." then I left the room.

I quickly ran to the imagination, where I changed it to look like a sunset and many many trees around.

The trees had roots going everywhere, and the sunset was swirled like a painting. There was a river that looked very clear and shiny. I gently stepped into the water not really caring if my pants get wet.

I started singing..

"What doesn't kill you

Makes you whish you were dead

Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper

And I can't take it

One more moment of this silence

The loneliness is haunting me

And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up..

It comes in waves, I close my eyes

Hold my breath and let it bury me

I'm not OK and it's not all right

Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again"

I sang sadly, wishing someone would help me from myself....I want Roman to save me like the magnificent prince he is..I love him but I can't let him see what's happening to me...

I don't want him to hate me or better yet....pity me, it's not like I don't hate myself already..

I stepped deeper into the river/ocean water, letting it go up to my shoulders. My hands grew black lines in them, spreading up to my arms, chest, neck, and face.

I grew long sharp claws and big fangs, then started crying "why am I so corrupted?! Why can't I...just be like...the others.." I started whimper-crying. I walked further into the water

"I'm corrupted, I'm a dark side..." I sigh "as much as I'd like I'm not...I am a dark side and I can't. Change no matter how hard I try.."

"What?" Oh no..

*Roman's P.O.V*

What? What was he talking a about? "What?" I asked Virgil. He backed up more into the water as I followed

"Do you hate me Virgil? Did I do something wrong?" I apologized to him already so I don't know why he would hate me...

"W-what!? No! I don't hate you! I love you but I can't love you.."

"Why? Why can't you love me? Is there someone else?" He shook his head and opened his beautiful purple wings that faded into a dark dark pitch black "I don't wanna hurt you.."

"I'd still love you" I smile "y-you what!?" He asked very confused, so I complied with a reply "I'd still love you through it all" I smile brighter as Virgil let out a breath of releif.

I walked closer to him "and I love you now" Virgil blushed and I grabbed virgils hands and kissed him, he kissed back while wrapping his arms around my neck.

His fangs faded along with his claws, his wings slowly fading into thin air including his veins going back to there normal color

(I hope you all liked this! It's pretty short but I've been busy and lazy 😅 sorry that's not a good excuse)

What should happen next ?

1. Roman helps Virgil get better

2. Virgil accidentally hurts Roman and Roman leaves him

3. Virgil harms hismelf

4 anything you comment

I hope you all have a good day!~

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