saffa. ♡

61 2 18

To : yungdrillz
From : 666blaze
(Read this part while listening to the song)

Yoku, I can't begin to describe my love for you. It's so much and so strong, it can't be put into words. It's late right now, but all I can do is think about you, so here I am, taking part in something that should have been done ages ago, but I appreciate these girls for putting something together for when you're not always feeling your best. I love you so so much. And I appreciate you so much.

However, let's start from the beginning. We met on seventeenth of June, almost four months ago, that still stuns me because I feel like we've known each other forever - in the good kinda way - and the first ever paragraph I wrote about you was on the 20th of June. - (lol, it took you three days to win my heart, actually it took you three hours to do so) - and I called you bro, ew. That's never happening again, lmao.

But seriously, I remember being so angry at you that day because you said you were going to France, and I was so pissed off, lmao, little did I know you leave quite frequently, and I wrote you a whole paragraph to tell you how much I was gonna miss you and about how I love your french music like Oui J'avoue , that's still a good song, not gonna lie.

But yeah, anyways, we had some weird inside jokes, too. Gotta love those, I mean I remember them all and you claim you remember them too, but, hmm, got to test you on that one. The first ever inside joke was (can you guess?) pum pum emergency, yes, when I was on my period and I told you about my friend's weird encounters and that was the joke you made, sucha boy. But, when you offered me some chocolate to post through my door, I realized that damn, you're amazing. 'Like fr a whole package', mighta stolen that line from you, hmm. You won me over with chocolate, yes.

Omg, do you remember 'long public hair'? Ew, I cannot believe that was a joke. But, you've helped me through so so much, given me so much advice and wow, it's crazy to know that we've been through so much these past few months. Fallen into quite some complications, no fights of course, is that even possible?

Whenever you're not here, I think of you immensely, so so much. Everything reminds me of you. It can't rain without me thinking of you. Forest remind me of you, cars remind me of you, cigarettes remind me of you, that weed b.o smell for sure reminds me of you, haha

Our song is and will forever be 6:30, gosh. It's crazy, actually because there's so many songs that make me remember you, both grime and normal. 'We'll keep this love in a photograph'

My very own Peter Kavinsky, I'm so lucky to call you mine, I mean, after all, I do top everything 😉 Not to disclose any secrets, cOuGh. But, our love notes will forever be with us. Mine are in a box with a bow on top, just like Lara's. Your very first note to me made my heart melt because it was so off guard, well kind of, but yes, it was off guard. and my heart just broke in a good way, and I actually cried. BUt you know me, i cry at any given moments and that works for my favour sometimes.

Hearing your voice in my ear will and is forever a heaven, (remember, the first note I sent you) haha, that's what it will be. Our phone calls forever will be that omg, sucha kink.

I love you so so so much. I will never ever be enough for you. there's no words for me to say how much I love you. How much you deserve someone so so much better than me, sometimes I cry a little bit because God gave me someone I never deserved, I never thought I needed. I can't pray enough for you. I want to give you the world, our road trips, my hand in yours, on the roof, rain pouring down, I imagine all of this, my heart in your hand, do what you want with it.

Yours forever and always,

Saffa, aka, your Lara x

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