asterin. ♡

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To : yungdrillz
From : asterinbaby

hi my sweet yoku, before you read what i've written, i want you to smile. yes, smile. a big, teeth exposing, smile. do you know why? because that's the only expression your handsome face should be showing. i can't count how many times i have wanted to write on your message board, write about how much i love you or how amazing you are, but i left it all to this one letter; i don't know why, but i guess i wanted to express my appreciation for you all in one letter so you would read it whenever you wish. we met one month and three days ago, a date i will always remember. many people will probably think that this isn't a long time to know someone but gosh yoku, i honestly feel that i have known you for years. we hit it off right from the very beginning, i'm so glad you said "wassuh" instead of the simple "hey" because that single word led us to having one of the best conversations i've had in a while, aka, you saying you're glad you reminded me of a scary movie heh. a short while after that, i remember calling you kind but you were shocked, saying you're surprised someone thought you were kind. looking back at that moment, oh my god, i cannot comprehend how kind you are. just writing this is making my heart stutter because i wish there was a way i could show you how damn appreciated you are. like, you really do not see how many friends of yours love your existence. me being one of the most, oh man, the days i sit staring at nothing just waiting for you to text, biting my nails in anticipation as the time goes by, and then when you would reply my fingers would move as fast as lightning, not wanting to miss the opportunity to talk to you. i know i've been quite inactive lately, but when i do come online, our conversations just flow and we continue where we left off. okay but enough with being nicE because that's not our thing?? yoku, goku, dick, you're annoying and stuptit and a hoe and everything bad and i'm writing this right now not wanting say any of these because i love you too much but like wow, see how comfortable we are with each other? one minute we could be making fun of one another while the next we could be saying the sweetest things. i could talk to you about anything, your advice is honestly the best, YOU are the best. oh damn, see, i couldn't even be mean to you for one sentence wow how amazing am i ugh heart eyes @ me. it's really late here, and as always, i'm thinking of you, my best friend. please always remember that i love you, i may not be very active but you are always on my mind. yoku baby, you are so damn special, i need you to always remember that okay? when you're upset, mad, irritated, feeling any emotion, just remember that you are loved more than anything. i love you so much, my heart.

 i love you so much, my heart

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here are screenshots of you being nice to me because that's rare HAHA, i love you so much

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here are screenshots of you being nice to me because that's rare HAHA, i love you so much.

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