chapter 3

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I hurry up and take a shower, Brush my teeth and then do my hair.Hmm should I tie it in a ponytail or just leave it open and wavy?

I settle for open and wavy "Okay now what do I wear?" I find my fav black ripped jeans that my aunt sent me and my gray shirt that says "Prankster 4 life" and my leather jacket on top "Now for the final touch." I look everywhere but my room is top dirty." Ahhh where is my eyeliner!" I run back to the bathroom and then I find it "Phew, my life would be incomplete without you." I say as I slowly apply it.

"Sky!!!! Hurry up everyone is waiting for you" I hear my dad saying just before I yell "Do you want me out that badly?"

"Skyler Franklin Ray." He says in that serious voice of his which he uses when he finds out that I did a prank. "Dad that voice doesn't scare me anymore,I'm just having moment with my room." And let me tell you it did before, whenever I had a nightmare his evil voice was always the narrator. As I leave my room, I turn back and whisper "I'll miss you." Just then I remember my mom and me both lying on our stomachs singing.

She would tell me I had a beatiful voice and should go to audition for American Idol.

I smile and close my door and head down stairs .That's when I see aunt Suze and Roy.

"Hey grin, looking good." He says as he picks up his suitcase. I smile and look at him he's wearing the same jeans a bit baggier and a navy blue t-shirt that makes his eyes glow." Not too bad yourself." I say.

"Is that a compliment?" He asks laughing

"Don't push it grin." I say laughing, that's when my dad comes from the kitchen with the cordless in his hand." There has been a slight change of plans your going to public school." He says grinning clumsily .

"Are you serious " I say half mad half annoyed this cant get any worse .

" Hi sky long time no see ." I turn and see aunt Suze behind me looking taller than ever it was like she had to bend down to give me a hug."Hi aunt Suze you haven't changed a bit still taller than dad."

"And always will be I'm so sorry for the last minute change" She said with a sorry face.

"It's alright." I said not really caring anymore but deep down inside I felt frustrated and confused .That's

when I feel Roy's arms around my neck. I love it when he does that, not romantically but I feel safe with him "It's okay grin we'll get through this, here take my Ipod I know music calms you down." He says as he takes his Ipod out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Thanks you're my life saver." Just then the strangest thing happened, I think I saw him blush and let me tell you it was breath taking."If we don't go now we're going to be late." Says Aunt Suze.

" Come here sweetie." Says my dad as he brings me into a huge hug .

"Dad you're going to murder me" I say smiling..

The next morning :

"Oh my days, This place is 5 times bigger than Hawkmit " Gasped Roy.

"I know, Where is the frick'in secretary." I say yawning. A group of girls walk by us laughing but when they see us they stop laughing and give me a dirty look, but smile at Roy .I give them my one of a kind deadly glare and they squirm,I'm sorry but I'm having a very bad day.

"Sheesh woman, take it easy you better get some sleep you've been awake since we left " he says as we walk the halls of the mansion looking boarding school .

"The hotel was too fancy and the bed was so big you could fit a family of five there" I say not telling him the real reason .

"Tell me the truth Sky."

" Ugh, I had a nightmare."

"That's why you didn't sleep?"

"Er.. ya " I said shyly.

"Was it 1 dream or a series of dreams? "

" 1"

"Oh my God you didn't for 2 days because of 1 dream." He said then laughing at me so hard.

"Oh you think that's funny,What about the time......"

We laughed and wandered the halls of the academy dying of laughter. And that's how she found us laughing at a British portrait of a drunk looking man.

" Pardon, may I ask you who you are?" she asked us sternly.

It took us a while to contain ourselves but Roy spoke first

" Hello im Roy Montegmery."

"And I'm Skyler Peterson."

"And I'm the Principal,you an call me Dr. Lila."

"Oh, we were just looking at this portrait." I say embarrassed .

" Well that man I found you guys laughing at is the man who built the whole school."

Oh ,Oh

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