CHAPTER evil nine !

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There's a description chap after so wohooooo !                                         

                                                                                  Sky's P.O.V 

From the moment I saw the happiness flash on the camera guys face I knew it was trouble .

" Jake , I know what this may look like but .." I say as I casually move away from Tea guys embrace .

" But what ? " Says Jake Folding his arms , waiting for me to complete the sentence . 

" You know what ." I say realising something . 

" What ? " He says . 

" I don't need to explain myself to you ,I wasn't doing anything bad so I have no reason to explain myself . " I say full of confidence . 

 There's no point in explaining myself. If I tried it would look like I was denying it . 

I head for the door but before I leave I look back at Tea guy and smile . 

" Thanks for the tea and the ...Poking thing , It really helped me clear my mind ." I grin and shut the door behind me .


I change into a pair of sweats and get ready for extreme running . 

Just as I was about to lock my dorm door I hear  


I get goosebumps all over my arms, I had Deja vu flash back  of Hawkmit . 

I actually laugh out loud , Oh how I miss my goofy buddies . 

" What are you  laughing at Peterson ? " 

I was leaning against the wall laughing so I didn't see who was behind me.  

" Amy ! Oh nothing just remembering my Old school . " I say casually .

I have to act normal ,I must act normal ! Just forget it , Its not like I'm dating Roy or something .

" Oh . " She says  

" What in particular were you remembering . ? " She says raising her eyebrows .  

" How we use to slide across  the hallways with pillows and run around slinging arm and arm while running around like married couples ." I say laughing more .

" Shall we try it ?" She says laughing with me . 

" WE SHALL ! " I shout .


Roys P.o.V

As I'm about to head towards the office , I'm greeted with a hyper Amy and Sky .

" Why are you two happy , aren't we in trouble ? " I say amused . 

" Come on Roy ,We've been in this kind of situation a million times so .." 

" Chill out ! " Amy completes before Sky can complete the sentence .

So while we walk to the office in high spirits , I notice something is wrong with Sky . 

She's avoiding me A little ,Not a lot but I could notice that something is bothering her .  

But as I'm about to as her Amy knocks the door of the Principal . 

I mentally remind myself to ask her .

"Good Afternoon . " Says Dr.Lila while she takes off her glasses and stands up . 

" Good Afternoon . " We all mumur .  

" Sit down If you may . " She says in her uptight voice . 

Me and Sky seat ourselves awkwardly , while Amy looks uncomfortable . 

I sigh , she's probobly not used to this .

" I hear that you tampered with the bathroom in which Stephanie used . " 

" With all due respect Ma'am I have not done anything , Even if I'm accused of doing this shameful act . Have you ever considered Stephanie being allergic to the substances in which the bathroom is cleaned with .? "

" No I have not but I shall try . What about when You abused Her before classes , will you deny that too ? " 

" No , I was simply self defending myself , everyone clearly saw her grab my wrist first . Am I right guys " 

We both nod .

" Since there is no proof to what happened to Stephanie was caused by me . I should not be accused . " She says confidently .

" Very well you may be dismissed . " Says doctor Lila . While clenching her teeth .

" Oh my god , I cant believe you got us out of that mess ! " Says a very A hyper Amy .

" No problem , Anyway I gotta go jog so I'llsee you two later . " She says . 

I remember the mental remainder. But its too late she turns and heads towards the field

                                                                   Ryan P.O.V

 I have my iPod on full blast while I'm jogging , That's when I see Skyler . 

I quickly try to catch up to her . 

" Hey . " 

She gives me quick glance but turns away and continues jogging . 

" I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot ." I say .

She ignores me and continues .  

" Fine but you owe me one . " I say grinning . 

" What for ? " She says curious .  

" For ruining my favourite sweater . " I say . 

" What do you want then ? " She says looking bored .

"I want you to answer me a question . " I say .  

" What ? " 

" Why did you stick the middle finger at me ? " I ask, just so I can keep the conversation long 

" Because you glared at me for no reason . "  

" I was glaring at Stephanie who was behind you . " I say laughing.

" What ever , now its my turn . " She says serious . 

" What do I owe you ? " 

" My mountain dew of course . " She says smiling .  

" Okay ..." I say rolling my eyes .

" Did Pickle really die ? " 

I guess its time I tell her the truth .. 

" Pickle didn't die , Because I am him . "


If Any of you guys forgot who pickel was , Go back to chapter 5 Its explains it -_-

MWHAHAHAHA the goofy writer is back , with a brand new rap ! Who wants to hear it * Snaps back to serious me . * Okay time is money and money is time so . Just remember to tell me your opinion *It doesnt matter if it hurts T_T * AND ....VOTE AND COMMENT WHILE YOU DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY .......OKAY FORGET THE LOST PART JUST COMMENT AND VOTE ! HAPPY READING !

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