The roller coaster that is life

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Hi my name is Charlotte and one day me and louis Tomlinson were going to ride mind bender at six flags but it was closed so instead we went to get a bite to eat and ran into Anna and Niall. Niall order pizza with wings and a fanta,Anna ordered the same thing and louis ordered chicken with diet coke and I ordered pizza with diet coke. After we ordered we all sat in a booth and ate toghtre. After we ate me and louis went to ride superman. When we got on the ride before it went off I started crying and louis said"don't worry babe I'm here for you" and then he kissed me and he was my 1ST kiss and I was his! When we got off we rode it over and over and then finally a ton of fans noticed us and ran so we went to batman into the batcave and Ella and Zayn were hiding to and me and louis kissed until they left. Then he rented the park out just for me and him and kept riding the same ride over and over and kissing and kissing. Then we went to his house and I was supposed to be home at 9:30 but instead I stayed the night at his house and he woke me up with coffie and granola on a tray in bed and after that he sang truly madly deeply to me and I wrote him a poem and it ended up in 1D. For my birthday he opend up his own theme park that was managed my me and him and the 1ST ride we rode was superman. After we rode we watched a superman movie and basically we didn't watch it we were making out the whole time! After that we went to open the theme park to directionaters only so we wouldn't get mobbed and so we could kiss the whole time on batman. A couple weeks after this we got into a fight and didn't talk for a month.. We talked it out and he said that I make him to happy to break up and sang little things to me and I started crying since I felt like he didn't care anymore so he sang u and I to me a million times and told me that he will always love me and care. When he had to preform he didn't go on since he was in the hospatial since he couldn't stop crying cuz he was thinking of us and when I went to visit him he was sleeping. A couple hours later the nurse called me Into the room and said that he was good to go so I drove him home and we made out a lot and went to ride super man. He told me that if we never rode superman toghtere then he would never get sad like that cause he never had so much to loose and I told him that I would never leave him and that he is my forever and I will never leave him and will always stay with him and we went to superman and rode it and it was bringing back memories and then wrote the song midnight memories about us and then made a slide show about it and it was us riding super man for the 1ST time till the last time until it got burned down so then we got a house toghtre and everything In it had superman and we never left each other:)❤️💜😊😘💙💙💚💛💕💞💖💖💓💘💖💛💙💜💚💗💋

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