The Ending

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"Hey Lucy! You ready to go on a job? You need rent soon right?" Mira asked, trying to get Lucy to do something other than sit around the guild and sulk.

Mira walked back to Erza and Gray when Lucy didn't answer.

 "Anything? Not even a gesture?" Gray asked, looking over at Lucy who was slouching deeply, a book laid forever closed on her lap.

 "I don't think she'll change at all unless she can get that book open. She hasn't been able to open it since she got back from King Zeref's castle two years ago. She's been like this since." Mira said.

"She'll come around eventually. Just give her time." Erza sighed, glancing over to Lucy, then eating her strawberry cake.

Meanwhile, Lucy sat, staring at the book that was covered in burned char.


Lucy scribbled all over the pages of the book, E.N.D screaming in pain and agony. Lucy continued until he was on the ground and motionless. 

She ran up to him with the last bit of strength left and sat next to him. His black markings faded away, along with his life.

"Natsu? Please come back to me. Natsu?" Lucy said, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He didn't respond.

"Natsu? Please walk up! Natsu!" She shouted even louder.

"He learned what it meant to love. In order to save you, he sacrificed himself." Zeref said, walking up to them both.

"He told me that he'd be safe! He was in the abyss! Nothing from the outside could hurt him!" She mumbled.

"He was right. Nothing hurt him, but without a host, he's forever trapped in the abyss. "

"Then get him back to this body! This body is still useful! And it's his isn't it?!"

"It is, but when I placed that curse on him, I didn't expect the person who opened the book to fall for him as well, so I made it for the body to die for good, and Natsu was aware of this."

 "You idiot. I want you to go bring him back, no matter what it takes seeing as you can control everyone." Lucy demanded.

 "Very well. I will not stop until I bring him back, but until then, the book will remain closed. When he is back, It will open on its own." Zeref said, walking away with Natsu's body.

End of flashback

"When will you bring him back?" Lucy muttered, placing the book next to her as she cried in her arms.

Erza began to walk over to comfort her, when she saw the book open.

"Uh, Lucy."

"Just leave me alone Erza." She mumbled through her arms and tears.

"But your book is-"

"It will never open! Zeref is a liar and-"

She looked at the book, and indeed found it wide open. A mere second later, something crashed through the roof of the guild, leaving a hole the size of a boulder.

 "Where is she?! Tell me where Lucy is!" A voice all too familiar to Lucy said. Lucy froze in her spot, waiting for the smoke to clear. As it did, people began to murmur.

"Who are you? Why'd you come in through the roof instead of the door?!" People complained.

"I don't care! Tell me where she is! I need to tell her I'm sorry!" He shouted through all of the whispers. Lucy slowly walked up, trying to get a better picture of the figure to be sure it was who she thought.

"What did you do to Lucy?! Are you the reason she's been sulking around for two years?!" Gray shouted, getting angry now.

"Just shut up and tell me where she is!" He shouted, almost shaking the ground.

"Natsu..." Lucy said ever so lightly, out of breath from shock. He turned his head to the sound of her voice and looked directly into her hollow eyes.

"Lucy." He said just as faint.

His voice one last time assured Lucy that it was him, and she ran up and jumped into him. She cried so many more tears that it shocked everyone at how attached she was to this random man who just destroyed their roof.

"I'm sorry Lucy. I didn't want you to die. I didn't want him to kill you, and I couldn't think of anything else to do. That was the only thing left to do, so I made you do it without telling you that I wouldn't ever see you again. I'm so-"

Lucy stopped him from rambling by grabbing his face and locking lips with him. Everyone around grew even more concussed on how Lucy had such emotions for someone they've never met. Natsu looked shocked when they released, but Lucy smiled with her tears of joy.

"They can see and hear you Natsu. And now we both don't need to hide. I have you back, and can love you forever." She said, not letting go of him. Natsu brushed her hair with his fingers as he rubbed her head to sooth her.

"And I can love you forever too. I will never leave you again." He said, bringing her head back to kiss her once again.


And this brings us to the end of this story. I hope you liked it! See you in my other books!

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