Chapter 2 - What was Forgotten

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There was a small explosion, causing no damage but a lot of smoke. Three people stem led out of the lab coughing, Ugo, Atiyah, and Altezca. "What just happened?" Altezca questioned, as she had been more engrossed in a book than what Ugo and Atiyah were doing.

"She added too much," Ugo explained between coughs. Not much more needed to be explained, cause even if he had Altezca would not have understood it.

Ati pouted for getting blamed for what happened. "I wanted to see what happened?" Atiyah whined. She was covered in sut, making her cream dress look gray.

Altezca shook her head, getting used to finding the princess dirty. "How about we go get you watch up," the guard offered picking up the princess into her arms.

After both were washed up and in fresh clothing, Altezca decided they were both in the need of some fresh air. "Why can't we go back to help Uncle Ugo?" the princess asked as the guard practiced with her new magic tool, much like her old swords my more extravagant and can cause vibrations.

The guard took a step away from the dummy and faced the lazing-about princess. "Because I'm sure us being there would only cause him nuisance,"she explained her reasoning.

The protector returned to training, not noticing how quiet the young girl had gotten. She was watching the woman's actions intently, taking in ever step, every flinch, every lung. All motion was mesmerizing the young girl. She popped up onto her feet, filed by excitement. "Ali!"the princess called her attention darting over to bounce at her side. "Can you teach me how to do that?"

The guard watched her in thought, getting lost in her pleading blue eyes. "Alright," Altezca agreed much to the young girl's surprise, "You just need to listen to what I say, and we'll need to start with the basics."

A smile was wide on the girl's face. "Don't worry, I'm a quick learner," she flaunted. But this was nothing compaired to book smarts, you couldn't just throw yourself right into it, you just practice again and again, all of which was a struggle to the book worm of a princess.

"I can't do it," she pouted after giving it her all for half an hour. "I'll never be able to be as good as you." Water gathered into the corner of her eyes, as tears were close to falling.

Altezca sat down and pulled the princess onto her lep, stroking her long pink hair. "No, you'll probably become stronger than me," she told the child. "Skills like this come with time and practice. You can't just pick up a sword and wild it, if it you know how. You're body need to be ready for it as well."

Atiyah was quick to calm down with these words. "Why are you so nice to me?" Ati asked, as it was her turn to surprise the other. "It's not because of your obligated to, you're truly nice to me."

The lady pulled the girl onto a tighter hug. "Cause you are an amazing person. You're already smarter than me, excited about anything new or that interest you. You are always look out for others even if it puts you in harm," the girl blushed as the woman praised her, blurring her face into the crook of Altezca's neck. " I guess you're my friend Princess, and a close one at that."

The girl tensed, something frightening to the one protecting her. Atiyah looked up into Altezca's golden eyes. "What's a friend?" the girl asked with pure confusion. The girl was barely allowed to leave the palace for her own safety, and no children her age were anywhere near the castle. The only people she socialized with were adults. She had no friends, as she couldn't make any.

Altezc was finding it hard to explain what a friend was got he girl who knew close to everything. "A friend is a lot like family. They are so eon really close to you, and you feel comfortable with and would be willing to do anything for."

The princess was silent as she though about it. "Is family closer than friends?" she asked an obvious question.

"Of course," the brunette answered, "Family stick together through thick and thin."

The princess looked up at the closest thing she would ever get to a friend. There was a serious look in her face, which was nothing new. "You're wrong," she informed Altezca, "You're not my friend. You're my family."

- * -

Sneaking into a bag to come with was not the best idea Atiyah ever had. It was extremely uncomfortable, even though she was muddled up against whose ever clothes that was carrying her. But nothing scared her more was the sudden motionless. They had stoped walking.

She strained to here what everyone was saying. "Where is she!?" she could hear hear mother yell frantically. She shifted to try and here better, worried for her mother.

The sudden light blinded her. "Found her," Focalor declared pulling the child out of the bag.  With a few blinks her eyes adjusted to the light. Infront of her was a group of very angry adults, making her instantly regret her choice of coming along.

She was sat on the ground, getting glares sent down at her from all around. "I'm so sorry," Altezca proclaimed. The princess didn't even know she was there. "I should have kept a better eye on her. I have no excuses, and I'll make sure it never jappens again." The guard was down on the ground, kneeling for forgiveness with her forehead to the ground.

Sheba threw herself on the ground, wrapping her child in a hug as tears pricked at her eyes.  "Don't ever do that again," the mother begged, "I was scared something happened to you. I don't know how I would live with myself if something had."

Solomon came and joined in with the family hug. "Atiyah, I'm glad you're alright, but this won't go unpunished," he informed her daughter. She regretably looked to the ground.

"Once we get beck of course," Sheba added with a smile. It surprised all except her husband. The girl had completely forgotten about the pending punishment.

Altezc a came and stood behind the excited pinkette. "I'll won't let her leave my side," she assured to worried parents.

"Pleasethere isn't anywhere safer than with all of us," Abra scoffed. Others laughed in agreement as they continued on there way.

The family walked together holding hands, the child acting like a chain. "Aty," Solomon called for his daughter's attention. "I'd there something you should say to Folcalor?" I sudden look of regret washed over the child's face. "He Carrie dyou this far, be glad I'm not making you carry him just as far."

You could see the idea pop into he child's head before she turned back to take the bag from the grown man. "Princess, it's alright, it is much lighter without you in it." The girl proceeded to pull the bag off his back, using the skill Altezca had started teaching her in the past months.

"This is only fair," the girl declared before rushing back to her parents with the heavy bag on her back. She ran as if it was as light as feather, which it certainly was not. Throughout the entire trip she would pull stunts similar to these, that would surprise everyone. From carrying things too heavy for her, running for what they deemed to be far too long, or kicking a wild beastie the face. As she got fret over by everyone for doing these tasks, she received praise from her guardian and friend.

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