Chapter 5 - Where Art Thou

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So much had happened, but it was time for everyone to split ways. Everyone was going, or preparing to do so. Except for one group of people. Audira's friends. Atiyah's rift as they called. It was amazing what she had created. People from all over the world, even places I have yet to be, joined together in one cause. Then again she could be friend anyone. I recognized a few faces. Of course I recognized Addy's friends, Mei, Kansi, and Yukino. Wait were Yukino and Kansi always holding hands? Is that a guy wearing a dress? Are they a boy or a girl? Was that a Kou princess welding a sword!? Liked I'd expect anything less abnormal from Addy.

But she was no where to be found. That would explain the worried faces of all her friends. "I should have gone with her," said one of the girls, magician by the looks of it.

"No, you wrr out of magoi," said another magician, with a playful slap at them.

Yukino stepped in front of them all. "I'm gonna go look for her," he told them, "I shouldn't have let her go to begin with." He could barely take another step. Kansi came up and caught him though.

"No, you went further than most of us, someone else should go look for her," he told him. Before they could desire who would go someone came.

With a flicker of light there stood Hakuryuu holding some pink cloth and a sword. I was quick to realize who's it was, as was a group of twenty four. All of us were too shocked to approach him. Instead he approached Aladdin with a sullen face. Aladdin looked up at the Kou prince, a smile still on his face. Couldn't he tell what had happened to her. How could he still be smiling.

"Sin, what are you..." Drakon came over, only to notice what I was watching. I thought I lost her, but I was mistaken. But I truly ha dlosther, right after getting her back. I didn't know how to take it all.

The Kou prince kneeled I front of the magi, holding out the swords and cloak. "I'm sorry," he said sullenly, "She fell out of the sky, and this was all I could find."

Those watching were waiting for Aladdin's response. None of us knew how he was going to react. The magi just plucked up the sword and cloak, like they were nothing. "Thanks, she'll want these back probably."

"What?" the entirety of Atiyah's Rift yelled before swarming the magi. "She's dead, and you don't care!" yelled some blind guy as he had Aladdin in a choke hold. "You're her brother!"

"Altezca!" the magi cried. What was that name familiar. A pink woman materialized I front of the rioting ground if friends. Oh yeah, Addy's djinn. Wait, why was she pink again?

The group of worried friends swarmed the djinn. "Where's Audy?" Mei yelled at the djinn. Seems they quickly accepted she wasn't dead.

"Thedjin stepped back in a bit if fear. I would be scared to if twenty four angry warriors had all their attention on me." She's fine, she just has some business to do else where. The fact I'm still here is prof enough that she's fine. "

They all calmed down. I don't get it, how could they calm down that easily. She was gone. She wasn't next to me. I couldn't hold her in my arms. "Wait," the short girl started up again, "Dose it have something to do with us?" They all looked worried again, and guilty.

A smile appeared on he djinn's face as they put on Addy's robe. "Of course not," she shook her head, "You all are her friends after all." I couldn't handle it and turned to go.

- * -

It had been two weeks since Addy disappeared. She was always weighing in my mind. I missed her so much it hurt. I just wanted to see her one more time. I wanted to hold her one more time. I wanted to see her smile one more time. I'd willing give my life if it meant I could see her one last time.

It didn't help that Aladdin had decided to stay in Sindria until the summet. It wasn't anything against the blueberry, great Addy's nickname is still in my head, it was mor of the pink clocked shadow that followed him everywhere. I couldn't help but see it and think of Addy. Every day sees here, is another day Addy isn't.

I missed her so much to a point I spend most of my day in her room. Which was still the slight mess she left it as. Books open across the desk. Some experiment I didn't understand half prepaired on a work bench. A pile of clothes growing in the corner. Her blankets were thrown across the bed, reaching the sheets on half of the bed from the rare nights she'd sleep here instead of next to me.

I just stood there and pretending she was still with me. It was the smell that helped. Everywhere in the room smelled of her. Coconut and dust, and that was on a good day. There was also this buz in the room, as if she was still in it running around doing five things at once.

I was so lost in it all I didn't even hear the door creek open. "Sin," it was Ja'far. "You have paper work you need to do. You can't keep putting it off." I didn't reaspond. "Come in you can't put it off, you should get u done so when she's back you can spend all the time you want with her." He's been using that persuasion for a while now.

It worked at the start, when I was still hopeful. But slowly hasn't been as modivating. I've also come to realize, him as well as everyone else, refuses to say her name Audra has just become her in the Sindria palace. "What if she never comes back?" I finally voiced my greatest fear.

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