Chapter 7 - So Much To Do

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I was instantly swarmed by everyone, wanting to greet me back. I smiled, glad I was missed and had so many people that cared about me. "Now I would love to talk to you all, but I decided to take a leave at a crucial time, so there are things I need to take care off, don't take it personally," I told them all with a forced smile.

I just walked my way through the crowd, people getting out of my way as I walked. I noticed that far from the edge of the group was Sin. While it was slightly concerning, I couldn't bother at that moment. Actually walking would take to much time. "Hakuryuu," I called to the Kou Prince, "Could you come with me please." I didn't intend for my voice to come out so cold, but I could show the stress I was in.

"Of course," he responded. He didn't even take a step before I teleported us away.

I brought us to Atiyah's Rift HQ, which was empty, unlike it ever was before. I went off onto business as the prince gained his bearings. "Welcome to Atiyah's Rift, head quarters. AL Tharmen can't reach here so there is nothing to worry about."

He glanced around at the dimmly lit room. "Why are we here?" he question.

I shrugged, "I don't know about you, but I would prefer not to have the chance of someone listening in," I informed him, as I took a seat at the table. "First, I must first thank you for trusting me. I know it not must have been easy, but thank you. Now, time for the explanation I promised."

"You didn't promise one, *he explained, sitting down next to me.

I gave him a smile, " Well you deserve one, or at least as much as one I can give for now. More will be explained at the summit." I took a deep breath, preparing to tell the child all I know of his mother and the misfortune of his family. "The leader of AL Tharmen is a woman by the name of Abra. She's been around since before the beginning. She actually shouldn't be around. She has survived this long by taking over the bodies of her descendants and using them to get into higher power. Abra is the woman controlling your mother's body." I don't know what I was expecting, a freak out or something, but there was nothing." If you were to have killed your mother, she would have just moved onto your sister. That would have been problematic in more ways than one."

I waited for the prince to say something, anything. But he just sat there silently, listening. He had changed since we last meet face to face. He was less emotional, more determined, a bit more mature." Now I must ask, where are your siblings, and where is the Empress?"

He sighed and took a moment to think. "My siblings are back to there roles for the time being, whole she never leaves the palace. While my siblings won't be there, I still would be cautious going to her, she has her own set of elite guards."

I gave him a smile and place my hand on his shoulder." Thank you, Hakuryuu, " I told him sweetly," I'm gonna send you back to your friends, I'll keep you updated, and I'll let you help later, but for now let me handle this. I promise I won't exclude you. Just enjoy yourself a bit, and let me worry about everything. "

" Thank you lady Audria," He said with a small smile.

" Atiyah, "I corrected him," Now I'm gonna send you back now, so prepare yourself. "I sent the silent spell through my hand touching him, and sent him away.

It was just me and the empty cavern. I ran my hands through my hair and leaned forward against the table. I wasn't sure what I should do next. I was just having a slow list piling up. I should find my friends. I should check on Yan and Dunya. I should talk to Sin. I should prepair for the summit. I should talk with the magis. I should apprehend Abra.

All I knew was that I couldn't do it alone. I would need to gather up Aityah's Rift. That would be, if they were still willing to follow me even with the secrets I kept. I was really a terrible friend. I expected so much from them, but I never gave anything in return. I wouldn't be surprised if they had all left me behind, as good as dead. I wouldn't blame them either. I at least needed to try and see if they were still on my side.

I stood up and started pacing, unsure of where it go first. I wasn't even sure if they all went back to their home countries, they did come out to everyone. No one is as accepting as me, but I could only hope everything was looked passed, for their sake. The blame should be on me if anything.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice someone had entered the cavern. "A key is much easier to use than teleportation," a cool voice broke by thoughts and pacing.

I glanced up to the familiar plum hair. Oh Sinbad, I so badly want to talk to you, but so much more needs to be done. All of which had a higher priority than my happiness, I can only hope you still have your own. "I don't have one," I informed him, scooping up my staff to teleport away.

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